Assassin's Creed Odyssey Review – Sparta's Glory


Assassin's Creed Origins has been relaunched smoothly through a new approach to the series of stealth action games series, as well as a vast and dynamic open world with many dynamic systems at the center. 39; work. In this year's follow-up, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, developer Ubisoft Quebec, builds on the pillars of its predecessor and demonstrates greater confidence in the new direction given to the series.

Located in ancient Greece, Odyssey precedes the previous game by several centuries. During the Peloponnesian War, in 431 BC, you played Alexios or Kassandra, brothers and sisters and former Spartans who became mercenaries. In keeping with the tradition of the series, Odyssey offers parallel scenarios, the main narrative unfolding in the distant past and the prevailing plot taking place today. After crucial moments devoted to political intrigue and the conflict of the war in Greece, you will return to modern times to continue the story of Layla Hassan, presented in Origins, which strives to reveal the secrets of the first civilization. Throughout your journey in ancient Greece, you will discover lost graves, engage in a sea war on the high seas and assassinate the key members of a dark plot seeking to gain control of the known world.

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During your journey across the Greek mainland and the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, you will encounter various places that present lush environments that pay tribute to the ancient gods, while rubbing shoulders with many historical personalities of the time who seek to to get an idea in Greek. society. The amount of detail packed into each site is impressive, linked by an active and vibrant ecosystem where wildlife and local civilians conserve their territory. But by diving further, you will see the many difficulties and realities of life in ancient Greece, including the horrors of slavery and the ever present war between the Spartans and the Athenian bureaucratic army.

Featuring a map more than double the size of the previous game, Odyssey is designed to be explored and contains ancillary content to reward your desire to travel. You have the impression that your actions will have a lasting impact wherever you go, and Odyssey offers a wealth of content that drives your growth at a steady pace. Although the level-leveling issue arises from time to time, preventing you from actively exploring a region of your choice, you can pause in the main story and dive into the diverse content at your leisure. of your content. Several side quests offer a surprising depth and heart and showcase some of Odyssey's most remarkable moments.

Throughout the main story and in the side quests, you will make several key decisions that will affect the story of the game and the course of your character. Although many of the choices you make are largely inconsequential and result in only slightly different ends for the quests, the decisive decisions that matter can result in dramatic turnarounds, with certain scenarios and characters taking end prematurely. In times when you least expect it, you will find the benefit of decisions made early in history, for better or for worse. With nine possible outcomes at the conclusion of the main story, there is a surprisingly large amount of causes and effects that can give the story the sensation of being yours.

The different protagonists also offer some of the most endearing and entertaining moments of Odyssey. Despite the sinister nature of the game, jokes and funny gags often break the tension, even during serious events. Although Kassandra and Alexios share the same dialogue and story, their differences in personality, gender, and perspective offer a unique flavor that distinguishes them from others – some scenes and quests seem more appropriate to a character. particular.

The Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey photo mode lets you capture some of the most breathtaking views of the game.
The Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey photo mode lets you capture some of the most breathtaking views of the game.

Romantizing side characters is also possible in Odyssey. Although some of these scenes can be fun, they are usually just bizarre displays of affection that have no real purpose. These scenes almost always involve a shallow gap during the conversation, the characters sliding on the screen before returning to the conversation without wasting time. Most often, these clumsy romantic occasions appear immediately after (or during) otherwise heartbreaking events. In addition to seeing extra scenes with certain characters, there is really no benefit to engaging in romance. The inclusion of these scenes is not expensive and can stain otherwise interesting conversations.

As you discover more people and advance into the main story, new game mechanics and new opportunities will emerge, which will further incite exploration. When the conspiracy that threatens Greece becomes known, you will be able to follow the main players via a large network interconnected in the game menu, showing their links to other targets and how to find information to locate them. But in one of Odyssey's most complicated quests, you'll come across several mythological animals hidden in the world, offering some of the most inventive and memorable encounters of the game, where brute force is not always the solution.

The world of ancient Greece is much more responsive than the previous Assassin's Creed games, and you have the impression that your actions will have a lasting impact wherever you go. When you start causing too much trouble, you will attract the attention of rival mercenaries seeking a premium. Similar to Shadow of War's Nemesis system, but not so sophisticated, Odyssey presents a seemingly endless set of antagonists with their own antecedents, strengths, and loot potential. If you end up with a bonus on the head, mercenaries are often quick to appear, leading to annoying encounters where they arrive at the worst possible time, even during scenario missions. If the heat from the invading mercenaries seems too strong, you can lie down long enough for the bonus to disappear, kill another wanted criminal, or pay your own premium on the game menu.

With nine possible outcomes at the conclusion of the main story, there is a surprisingly large amount of causes and effects that can give the story the sensation of being yours.

One of the smarter features of Odyssey is the new mode of exploration. When this optional mode is enabled, you are challenged to use your observation and deduction skills to find your next target, without the help of icons or waypoints. By engaging with quest givers and friendly NPCs, you'll learn details about your environment and slowly gather your next steps. Exploration mode increases the pride of solving puzzles, making every step of your investigation even more rewarding.

In combat, Odyssey follows the recent trend of incorporating statistics-based mechanisms into its main gameplay. Compared to previous games, it is now more important to allow you to customize your character to meet the challenges ahead. You can also have your character specialize in stealth, long range or melee combat, and you can respec at any time. If you want your character to become a powerful Spartan warrior, wielding a legendary spear, and using your Kick Spartan to chase your enemies off the cliffs, you can do it, but you can also stick to the traditional archetype. d & # 39; Assassin.

This opens up many opportunities for experimentation with special movements and gear, the latter also being customizable with special benefits offering unique bonuses. Odyssey no longer has the shields introduced into Origins, and as a result, fights are occurring at a faster pace. By putting more emphasis on dodging and parrying enemy attacks, the fight feels more involved and dynamic. Even if, at times, Odyssey may come up against the clumsiness of his role-playing mechanics that conflict with the game of action, such as the impossibility of murdering enemies because From a lack of level, it compensates by giving players the opportunity to avoid such clumsy engagements.

Your ship, the Adrestia, can be upgraded to inflict greater damage and move you faster in open water.
Your ship, the Adrestia, can be upgraded to inflict greater damage and move you faster in open water.

Naval battles and sailing are back in Odyssey, opening the way for deep-sea exploration. As you accumulate resources and find new members to join your crew, you'll be able to personalize and upgrade your ship, Adrestia, to take on more daring challenges. As in Black Flag and Snape, navigation offers some of the most exciting and enjoyable moments of the game, finding lost ruins in the depths of the oceans or confronting increasingly aggressive rival ships. During your trip, you will be able to recruit new lieutenants to add buffs to your ship, which will give you more chances to fight against the biggest threats of the sea.

The reach of Odyssey is enormous and, overall, well presented. However, some of the innovations that seek to integrate on a global scale feel somewhat lost in the grand scheme of the game. With the ongoing war between the Spartan and Athenian armies, you can choose to take part in the conflict and dismantle the influence of a faction in a region. In these battles of conquest, you will choose a camp and paralyze the control of an army by assassinating their leaders and taking their resources, resulting in a large-scale battle against their forces.

While this is a solid way to gain resources and improve your position within a faction, the mechanisms and implementation in Odyssey's general systems allow it to feel half-cooked at best and useless at home. worst. In some of the most bizarre cases, the game and its story do not seem to take Conquest seriously, especially when the main story helps you to help a particular faction, despite the fact that the secondary content of the region actively kills them. . This can in turn create discordant and discernible dissonance throughout your adventures. The game often has trouble making sense of the real war game in the context of its main story, which is disappointing.

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When you look at Odyssey as a whole, you often feel like you're playing too much for yourself. There are many times when exploration, mission fulfillment and travel can slow down the pace considerably. This is exacerbated by the vast map, which can sometimes seem excessively large and a chore to go through. There are also some notable bugs and problems that appear all along, including those that prevent progress in the missions from dropping the game completely. Several times during my course, the progression has been a bit exhausting, which gave the impression that some of the most memorable and exciting moments in history were a drag.

Despite this, the ambition of Assassin's Creed Odyssey is admirable, which is reflected in its close attention to detail for the time and its approach to dealing with multi-faceted storytelling, with powerful protagonists in head. While its large-scale campaign (over 50 hours) can sometimes be tiring and some features do not have the impact they should have, Odyssey is making great strides in its gigantic and dynamic world and venture out and leave your mark on its ever changing framework.

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