Assassin's Creed Odyssey: The Kotaku Review


Assassin's Creed Odyssey is huge. Each new limit is broken down as you reach it, the game world is spreading and spreading further and further from what you can imagine. It's great as the Great Pyramids or the Empire State Building are the result of an incredible amount of manpower and artistic talent, transformed into something remarkable but daunting . It's not a sandbox. It's a world with all the beauty, anxiety, and inconsistency that entails.

Odyssey takes the franchise further in history than ever before, as a result of a mercenary in the Peloponnesian War, circa 430-400 BC. For the first time in the franchise, players can choose the protagonist that they play as for the entire game: a man named Alexios or a woman named Kassandra. They hold the spear of the deceased Spartan king Leonidas and travel with their pet eagle, Ikaros, which earns them the nickname "Eagle Bearer". After being forced to flee Sparta from an early age, they found time again misthios, a mix of professional mercenaries and low-level adventurers. While they hold obb jobs on the remote island of Kephallonia, they are tasked with murdering a Spartan general. This work takes them into the wider conflicts of ancient Greece and reveals the existence of a harmful cult seeking to control the politics of the region. During a game that can last over 75 hours and probably longer, players will run along the coasts of the Greek Islands, climb the buildings of Athens and Sparta, will murder or brutally kill hordes of people. 39 and will command a ship. naval combat on the high seas.

Layla Hassan, a modern-day character, attends the viewing of these events with the help of a device for reading DNA, the Animus. Layla was introduced in the last year Assassin's Creed Origins, which revived it mainly the life of a former Egyptian assassin named Bayek. At the beginning of Odyssey she lined up in the shadow of the Brotherhood of Assassins, which has stumbled throughout history at the Templar Order in a perpetual shadow war. Layla uses the Animus in the hope of finding artifacts belonging to the Isu, an extinct race of powerful precursors who ruled the Earth before humanity. As for the recent games of the franchise, this framing device is barely mentioned, at least at the beginning. For dozens of hours, the idea that there is an Animus and its user is dissociated from the main story. Save for some scenes, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Assassin's Creed Odyssey has no connection with previous games. For many players, it could be the first entry into a new franchise. It's the most accessible Assassin's Creed The game has never been, and all it took was to give up everything that gives it the impression of previous titles. For some, it will be liberating. For others, this may seem like an attempt to take advantage of modern design trends. Accessibility and ease of play win at the expense of the rough edges that gave the franchise a large part of its personality. At least that's how it seems at first.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey feels like a game trying to be the 2015 role-play widely praised The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. It's a process that started with last year. The origins, which implements more RPG elements and faster fights. Odyssey press on this to offer an ancient Greece filled with side quests, romantic characters and trendy dialogue trees. But at the same time Odyssey recreates The witcher 3The form of gameplay makes it difficult to provide an equally exciting story in the main campaign.

Assassin's Creed OdysseyThe narrative structures themselves are like a buffet, where players can choose the sets that define the most appealing aspects and engage them at their discretion. Fans attracted by Assassin's CreedThe use of historical places and characters by historical figures may be confined to the main quest, which focuses largely on the role of the eagle-bearer in the Peloponnesian War. Those who wish to continue the high-level experimental meta-history of what is happening at the moment can focus on collecting the artifacts of early civilization and continuing the personal narrative of Layla. And if you are eager to understand the history of the Assassins and Templars, you can always track down the true identities of the Kosmos Cult. Although these stories sometimes overlap, especially late in the game, they are mostly limited to their respective activities. Therefore, OdysseyNarration often feels fractured and lacks confidence. While the first titles like Assassin's Creed II weave his intriguing threads into a bold narrative, Odyssey allows the player to interact with them at his preference. While it is interesting to allow this type of player choice, it is an example of hostility to the player that ultimately weakens the overall impact of the narrative in the game. It's as if Odyssey is embarrassed to be a Assassin's Creed gambling, leaving the narrative frameworks more avant-garde or commentary on the periphery, lest players be forced to tackle something too difficult or out of the standard rate of high-budget video games.

This is unfortunate because franchising has always worked better by adopting these narrative frameworks, re-evaluating and revisiting history through lenses Odyssey mainly rejects. Assassin's Creed III used (with mixed success) an American colonial framework to explore the hypocrisy of the American Revolution, as well as to create the captivating story of a father and son on both sides of the Assassin conflict -Templiers. Black flagThe Caribbean buccaneer has given way to a study of character in personal responsibility and faith. Odyssey never achieves such clarity of vision because its fractured structure deprives it of the necessary focus.

Odyssey wants to tell a story about Kassandra's family and attempts to learn what happened to them after being forced to leave Sparta. But while Assassin's Creed III gives ample time to his protagonist Connor and his Templar father, Haytham Kenway, Odyssey does not give his central relationships time to develop. This is partly due to the way the game handles the dialogue. Alexios and Kassandra never manage to feel like complete characters, because the game must realistically allow the players and their avatars to realize a wide range of potentially conflicting actions and personalities. You can be a mercenary who loves only gold, avenged vengeful warrior, or level mediator. Although it works for side quests, it never allows the character we play to feel in three dimensions in the main sequences of the story. I know who Ezio Auditore is. I know who Edward Kenway is. Those passed Assassin's Creed the tracks looked like fleshy characters. It is much more difficult to know who Kassandra is, even though I explicitly control his behavior. Combined with a quick script that allows only a few key scenes with major characters, the central narrative, while presenting strong moments, never matches the emotional richness of something like Assassin's Creed II revenge story in a bad mood or even the unfortunate Assassin's Creed: UnityTragic romance.

Odyssey might have trouble creating a larger narrative, but it takes off in smaller moments. I spoke in front of the crowd and discussed the rhetoric with Sokrates, who is as friendly as he persists in his questions. I became paralyzed with indecision following a battle, not knowing if I could resolve to kill my target by learning their true identity. I've helped playwrights use their art to divert the populous against corrupt rulers. In these moments, Odyssey manages to paint a captivating picture of a time and a place where idealistic notions of governance and jurisprudence have come up against the harsh realities of human ambition. These moments help advance the player despite a central character conflict that never really arises.

Suitable for his namesake, Odyssey the best moments are off the beaten path. Odyssey side quests, without ever reaching the same level of sophistication as The witcher 3Helps to counterbalance the incoherent presentation of the main narrative by giving the player a chance to get involved in the complexities of the Greek setting and society. These are the times when Odyssey can and does explore topics such as sexuality, gender and justice. A quest with a sexually frustrated older woman can end with your character by giving her a helping hand that helps reinvigorate her love life. A quest to intercede for a woman judged to have snuck into the Olympics places you on the side of the attitudes of Greek society towards women. All quests are not so memorable. There are many ad hoc cases where you will deliver bear skins or battle bandits. Most at least friendly allies and even some surprising changes that are worth talking to every new person you meet during your trip.

It's not an AAA game without a three-pointed tree of skills. Fortunately, most unlocking capabilities are fun and truly useful.

Your tasks will fall into one of two camps: open combat or stealth. The first one is based on The originsThe distance-based hack and slack system allows you to add powerful moves, such as the ability to switch to adrenaline-spewing mode, or to throw enemies back with a spartan kick off at Zack Snyder's. 300. These abilities help to increase combat against new challenges – a skill allows you to deflect shields from defensive enemies, but it's very satisfying to stick to the usual routine of dodging, parrying and hitting when there is a opening. Even if I miss the cinematic flair and the sense of control that the attacks of the first titles offered against instant death, OdysseyThe fight still creates many exciting moments. This is not the most refined. Sometimes you just snap buttons. But there is still a lot of potential for the highlights. If you know what you are doing, you can face monsters much higher than your current level in duels where a fake death kick. In larger fights, you'll go from one target to another and wait until key moments to go forward and fend off the clumsy enemies of the cliffs.

When the need for devious solutions arises, Odyssey can really shine. Sneaking into an enemy fortress is a satisfying puzzle, and the player has many different tools. The free climbing mechanism of the series facilitates climbing on the roofs and allows you to use verticality to your advantage, preparing you for stealthy head shots with arrowheads or spectacular aerial assassinations. What really makes OdysseyStealth work are the abilities to unlock. These could feel too much video game and against the spirit of older Assassin's Creeds for some players, but they provide remarkable achievements. A strike ability allows Kassandra to launch his spear and move almost instantly to the unfortunate enemy position for quick execution. The higher levels allow you to chain the abilities, which allows to trace a bloody path through the camps without raising an alarm. Other abilities allow for sudden camouflage or new assassination moves that can eliminate more difficult targets. You do not need these skills to succeed, but they create an intoxicating gameplay space. Kassandra (or Alexios) and the player scramble the line between a skilled mercenary and a demi-god, and experimenting with the many abilities of the game helps to shine discreetly.

An extensive list of mercenaries roams the world, sometimes stalking you. Overcoming them increases your personal reputation and gives you access to quality loot. It's not too deep, but can lead to dramatic confrontations.

Odyssey speaks loudest through its various systems, a cake of factional control mechanisms and metrics of personal glory that help convey the tensions that have torn the Delian League. Among these, the most important is a system of national conquest in which both sides of the Peloponnesian War – Sparta or Athens – can claim control of any area of ​​the game. Players may disrupt the game. balance a nation by beating soldiers, stealing loot from forts, burning supplies and other actions. These affect the overall strength of a nation, which can trigger extreme climatic battles where the player can fight for one faction or another. They can also weaken a nation by locating and assassinating its leader, whose general level of protection is also affected by acts of sabotage committed by the player. This strange cycle of factional violence and large-scale assassinations seems endless. Like the eternal wars of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Painhe portrays an unflattering image. Assassin's Creed has always considered human history as a simple application of violence, whether big or subtle. OdysseyThe system of conquest of the nation goes further and layer this feeling on its immense world of the game. The world is beautiful, but it will always be at war.

OdysseyThe focus on conflict and martial power also applies on a personal level. In Assassin & # 39; s Creed: Originsplayers could hunt and defeat Phylakes, scouring bounty hunters to kill protagonist Bayek. Odyssey do something similar, populate the world of mercenaries who follow and confront the player if they gain notoriety. It raises heavily from Shadow of MordorNemesis system, dynamically filling the world of esteemed warriors. The relative ranking of the player among these mercenaries is tracked, which allows him to gain prestige and valuable loot by defeating potential warrior heroes throughout their adventure. Not only does it help the player to better play the role of his character as misthios, but it also helps to ease some of the most exciting moments of the game. Tenacious mercenaries pursue me on the open sea for fierce battles between waves, and some of the world's deadliest warriors have been trapped after accidentally murdering a king during an assault on the fortress. To survive in Odyssey it means constantly testing your prowess in a world where there is always someone else eager to end your legend.

These systems frame a gaming world of true beauty. Assassin's Creed Odyssey uses color more intelligently than any game in recent memory, imbuing its world with a mix of earthy tones punctuated with pastel pink leaves and golden sunbeams. Cornfields extend over wind-swept meadows, while aquamarine waters crisscross the coasts. The world encompasses places as disastrous as death-filled volcanoes and sterile marble quarries. There are flourishing metropolises filled with open theaters and glittering gold statues. Every inch is covered with the finest sunlight ever put into a video game, an angelic spread of such radiation that it seems to be an old secret. Odyssey exists in the gray area between reality, memory and legend. No matter where you are, the world is bursting with unprecedented art.

This fusion of lush design and evocative systems helps to define Odyssey version of Greece both as an idyllic vision that we pursue sometimes and as something hard and unforgiving, where the green fields are too often flooded with blood. This creates a sense of place remarkable. This is both the subject of storybook books and somewhere of a real unrepentant. The crest of each new hill offers countless possibilities, and players will likely be looking forward to see what other wonders Greece can contain. More than anything else, it's OdysseyThe crowning of success. The world is inviting, mysterious and every inch is worth exploring.

Odyssey is nevertheless terrifying in its scope. One or two of its lush nation states could host a group of RPGs rich in quest givers and collectibles. There are 36 regions, either continental city-states or island territories, all full of forts to conquer, characters to meet, leaders to assassinate, historic sites to visit, treasures to plunder and beasts to kill . These activities are embedded in an intricate network of meta-gaming systems and management tasks. There are all these leaders to overthrow, these mercenaries to face, these cultists to hunt down and much more. Each of the activities gives context and flavor to the world, but there was a disadvantage.

Although I enjoyed my time with Odyssey & # 39;Its rich tapestry of gameplay, I also came to the bitter realization that it was too big.

This does not mean that I thought there was too much to do or that there was too much work going on. Whenever I embarked on a multi-step quest to eliminate a deadly branch of cultists or destabilize a nation, the process was exciting and enjoyable. The problem is that there is so much to do in a world of such magnitude that I can not help but conclude that this type of design is not sustainable. We do not know what are the working conditions of the developers of this game, but I've heard too many horror stories told by developers working on increasingly large games and enduring a painful tightening process, which I'm often worried people who make huge games. I'm worried about the people who will create games in all the studios that will try Odyssey in scale or in detail. Odyssey is beautiful and I love playing it, but I wonder exactly what was the human cost for my pleasure. While I adored the majesty of OdysseyWorld, I was often uncomfortable to participate. During this review, I contacted Ubisoft to inquire about the game's working conditions during development, but I did not receive a response in time for the release.

This scale also leaves the door open to bugs and bugs that, although they generally represent little more than framerate dips and an odd enemy AI, can sometimes create more serious problems. Most memorable, I almost found myself completely unable to progress after having managed to move the trigger volume to a kinematic with a key character. This trigger probably put a flag indicating that the NPC was in the same city as me and available for their next scene. But because I skipped it, I ended up with the task of locating a character on the other side of the world while the game was not letting me out of the current city for the sake of it. ;history. If it was not thanks to one of the many automatic stops of the game and a little luck, I would have been stuck in Athens trying unsuccessfully a person on the other side of an impassable barrier. My colleagues who also played review copies of the game have experienced rare but notable accidents. The automatic backup system saved them every time.

Many times writing this review, I literally screamed in frustration as I tried to put some order into my thoughts about this game. OdysseyThe game play is incredibly fun. Exploring the world always leads to new experiences: finding a lost treasure in flooded temple ruins, surviving waves of enemies in the arena and shooting down another champion, hunt down a conspirator at home and l & # 39; Murder while sleeping. A detour to help a child find his father's construction until you are lost in the Minotaur labyrinth. A plot to stop the influence of sects on a priestess order leads to a deductive puzzle to identify and eliminate the traitor, or to bring misplaced justice to the wrong culprit. It's the kind of wild and exciting road trip through ancient Greece that I've always wanted in a video game. Taken under these conditions, Odyssey It's not just a good game but a good one.

This open world is associated with disappointing decisions, marking an erosion of identity and vision Assassin's Creed in something unrecognizable from the first half-dozen games in the franchise. Some people might appreciate that, but I think these games were more daring than we often recognize. It was a series that used a meta-comment framework to comment on its own design. He has surprisingly painted human portraits of heroes and villains. It was a series where George Washington proved as ugly and flawed as any Templar, where Ezio Auditore passed from a lothario to a head to a master assassin through careful writing. of characters. When is the time of the DLC Black flag, Ubisoft chose to tell a story of the liberation of Haiti and to use its mechanisms to explore the darkness of its protagonist. When they imagined what the Templars and their allies would look like in the 21st century, they gave us a bunch of project leaders and Supreme Court justices. Odyssey The eagerness to satisfy everyone has created a world to explore, but this is done at the cost of a clear vision. I do not know what Assassin's Creed is more, other than a name on the package intended to help sell a product.

And then, there's the last quarter of the game, an immensely impressive and largely optional content block that's drenched in Assassin's Creed tropes. The most game Assassin's Creed the qualities, it turns out, are nested in an end that many players do not know. Odyssey The narrative structure perplexes his most intriguing and thematically interesting plot subjects as sutable secondary content. Midway through the game, the player is able to chase the artifacts of the first civilization in order to eliminate a great power from the conspirators who would abuse it. Collecting the elements of the plot required involves confronting the source of many Greek myths, such as the Medusa, which was shown during preliminary demonstrations. Each of these magical encounters offers challenging boss battles and spectacular glimpses of the franchise's larger cosmology. The ramifications of Kassandra's journey merge with those of Layla, culminating in a moment that fully embraces the qualities of speculative fiction that the franchise has recently seemed so pressing to leave behind. This plot is so essential to complete the story of the game, both thematically and in terms of raw narration, that making it optional is the most erroneous decision of the game. It's so good, and a more confident game – a less frightened by his lineage – would have placed him in the foreground.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey feature is the frequency at which it seems to be something other than a Assassin's Creed Game. It copies beautifully The witcher 3Shape, creating a fantasy-like setting that feels worthy of the legendary creatures and legendary heroes it contains. In itself, this world – which could have been its own new Greek fantasy franchise – is a lot of fun to explore. But Odyssey shines at best only once it embraces the strangeness that helped make the franchise so remarkable at first. You can play Odyssey as you wish; as a game of exploration, as a new open-world RPG, as a historical narrative. But it works best once, after many hours, gives you the chance to treat it as a Assassin's Creed Thu.

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