"Assassin's Creed Odyssey" Tips for the New Player


Assassin's Creed Odyssey brings a lot of "new" to the franchise. The role-playing dialogue wheel appeared, choosing between a male or female character and selected (and seduced) romance options. Assassin & # 39; s Creed seems to be in touch with his own BioWare and just like their famous franchises such as Mass Effect and Dragon Age, Odyssey will also have a resounding effect on the choices made by the players.

Since this world is the biggest still for the whole Assassin & # 39; s Creed Frankly, this may seem a bit overwhelming for some. Even if origin was phenomenal, it was sometimes a little unstructured but Odyssey has certainly not followed suit. Nevertheless, here are some tips to help new players start their journey on a smooth note!

Drag 1 of 10Alexios or Kassandra?

At the beginning of the game, players can choose to attack the world of ancient Greece through the eyes of Kassandra or Alexios. For my journey, I chose Kassandra, which was amazing for me as a woman in love with this series since the time of Altair. Although we have been able to play as women in the past with derivative games and more particularly Syndicate, Odyssey was the first time that a woman was the protagonist of the game

Kassandra is also the "gun" choice for pet novels, but honestly? No matter who you choose, both have the same story and both have similar romance options (if that's another aspect that you are passionate about). It's a role-playing experience, which means you have to play the way you want. If it means choosing Alexios instead of Kassandra or vice versa, keep going and have a great time!

Drag 2 of 10What about other games?

Since Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a prequel in the true because of the word, a familiarity with the rest of the franchise is not necessary. Yes, there are references that only long – time fans will have, but Ubisoft did an amazing job in making sure those points were connected.

As for the history of modern times, it is important to note that Layla chose to associate with Assassin's against the Templars – a choice that had been made in the previous game. You will see a lot of references to this in the modern limited story that Odyssey offers, but it's really the only do-it-yourself thing that's needed to get in.

Drag 3 of 10TALK TO ALL

No seriously, talk to everyone! The side quests of this game are sometimes hilarious, but often they hide an important character, especially when you start training your crew for your ship!

The stories hidden in the main narrative housed the characters you wanted to discover, what you wanted to know, which makes the terrain explorable even more lustrous in what it has to offer for a complete player experience.

Every mission, every "subordinate" quest felt like I had a reason to be and led me as a player to see Kassandra finish all that was happening on his side; to become a champion of the people. There is a wide variety of secondary missions available, including puzzle solving, object-making, parallel scenarios, and even naval combat. There were so many little related stories that could be overlooked if a player felt pressed for time but offered an incredibly memorable experience.

Without spoiling what the game itself has to offer, I can name 10 side quests that I will keep with me as a fond memory for a long time. This makes a memorable RPG and an exciting experience.

There is a mini-quest in particular which, in my opinion, has been made even more hilarious by the mere fact of being Kassandra. Without revealing anything, there was a dialogue option where she could take either the path of maturity or the totally hilarious one. Of course, I chose comedy and his deliberate lowering of his voice to assume that God was hysteria.

Drag 4 of 10Romance

Do not be shy when talking with people you find interesting. The one that was added to the game and that I absolutely loved was added is the ability to entertain different characters throughout the game. That alone was quite amazing, especially from the point of view of the totally immersive RPG but the freedom of dialogue was even better. My Kassandra was a total dog and absolutely nailed the character "Aye yo girl, lemma get yo numah". It did not work in my favor all the time, but the effort was there.

It is also important to note that not all relationships in the game need to be a deeply ingrained love proclamation – a night is filled – including a really embarrassing encounter, uh, with an older woman whose husband could not keep up.

As with most RPGs that offer a romance feature, it's about listening, connecting, and gifts helping YOURs.

Drag 5 of 10Should be obvious, but is neglected: "Odyssey" Quests is the main storyline.

Throughout your game, you will be taken part by side quests and it is easy to lose track of your current position. If you look under the tabs, you remain a subcategory of "Odyssey" quests – this is your main storyline. If you have not finished exploring an area or if you have not talked to everyone, you may want to wait for quests in this category to avoid going over the point of no -return.

Drag 6 of 10Sync points are your friends.

Sync points are your friend and you will want to go there immediately after discovering a new location. This not only gives you a bird's eye view of the earth, but it also triggers a "quick move" in case you want to go back and review characters already encountered, complete additional quests, and so on.

Drag 7 of 10Disassemble the verse transmission

You will have a lot of equipment in your game and that is why you will be tempted to sell right away. Instead of selling, however, dismount these ignored pieces in order to upgrade and upgrade the new weapons and armor you want to equip.

To do this, simply access your inventory, hover over an object and choose "Dismantle". It's super easy!

Drag 8 of 10Easy XP: Location, Location, Location

You want to earn XP super fast? Explore every inch of new locations. Caves, camps, beaches – explore everything to discover new places within larger areas. Not only will this get you up to XP fast, but it will also help you find quests you may have missed while increasing your chances of finding cool Easter eggs!

Drag 9 of 10Spartans vs Anthenians

Honestly? It does not matter. There will be many opportunities to join Anthens or Sparta and it does not really change much history to choose one over the other. You will choose these sides on smaller scales, such as sneaky assassinations, until the battles of Conquest to have a chance to learn the epic booty.

Speaking of conquest battles, you're going to want to stay on course. Target only enemies with special markers on the head. To help minimize the difficulties, I recommend you remove each mercenary before you fight – otherwise, they will hunt you down when you are overwhelmed.

Drag ten of 10S & # 39; fun!

In all, Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a game changer for the franchise. Visually, narratively, historically, there is nothing that I would like to change. Maybe my interior Dragon Age The lover would have loved to customize the look of my Kassandra, but it's a ridiculous little "What if" that has not spoiled my pleasure.

The story was exciting, sometimes heartbreaking and progressive, which allowed me to stay engaged. Dynamic, immersive and filled with choices, consequences and the tumultuous history of human love, loss and lessons learned.

This is the game Assassin's Creed The fans deserve a truly charming experience for players who just enter. You can also see our full review here!

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