AT & T expects 5G to bring back smartphones locked by operators


5G networks should bring many benefits, such as higher speeds and much higher network capabilities. But according to Gordon Mansfield, vice president of AT & T's radio networks and networks, unfortunate setbacks will also happen.

For years, American consumers have become accustomed to owning 4G LTE smartphones transferable by the operator – which avoids buying a new device every time you switch providers. But with next-generation technology, this freedom can be taken away from consumers. As expected, not all operators will initially rely on the same frequency bands – AT & T will use 5GHz 5G, Verizon will use 5GHz 5G and T-Mobile will use a similar band of 28GHz in addition to a frequency of 600MHz. Due to the relatively new nature of the 5G, Mansfield said that, until now, "no one has yet figured out how to" support all carrier frequencies within a single device . Fortunately, Mansfield expects these issues to be resolved quickly. In fact, he expects that, as an industry, the problem will be solved rather quickly and that he "does not think that the introduction of a single band at the millimeter of the wave will last long time". limitations will likely impact the ability of people to switch providers easily.
In the end, these drawbacks mimic the problems encountered with the initial deployment of 4G towards the beginning of the decade. This means that Mansfield's comments on the subject should be accurate. Nevertheless, those who plan to acquire a 5G smartphone next year should take into account the limitations of adopting the technology from the beginning.

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