Battle Royale Feature After Three Weeks


Epic Games will be removing the “Glider Re-deploy” feature from Fortnite: Battle Royale’s default modes in the next update, the studio announced today.

The feature allowed players to re-open their gliders after falling from a certain height and allow players to safely float to the ground anytime during a match. Glider re-deploying was first introduced in the Soaring 50s limited-time mode, the 50v50 game mode with the feature included, and was then applied to the default Solo, Duos, and Squad modes with the Fortnitemares update in late October.

The community throughout Twitter and the game’s subreddit were not happy with the change in the game’s default modes, which allowed players to build as high as possible in fights since fall damage was no concern or could easily escape a losing battle. Squads were also able to cover large distances by gliding off huge ramps, which would be used to surprise unsuspecting squads or join battles already in progress.

Players echoed that the change sought to create a faster, more action-oriented pace for the game without adding much to strategy. Epic said in the 6.21 update patch notes in early November that it would be continuing the test, citing “positive results,” and would be “prioritizing Glider audio over weapon audio within certain ranges.”

“Two weeks ago we began our Glider Re-deploy test in default modes,” Epic Games wrote in the post. “We did not live up to expectations of quickly iterating on the mechanic and communicating plans.”

The feature will be removed from the default modes with the 6.30 update expected soon, but will remain in larger team modes and the creative Playground mode.

Despite the massive mainstream popularity for the game and recently hitting a peak of 8.3 million concurrent players, the free-to-play title is still in early access.

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