Battle Royale Games explained: PUBG, Fortnite, and what could be the next big hit


With the dazzling and fast success of the battlefields of Fortnite and PlayerUnknown, other developers are planning to embark on the royal craze of battle to find their next big hit. Bringing together dozens of players in intense combat to determine who is number one, it has consistently become one of the most popular game modes for some time – with PUBG and Fortnite having comfortable seats on the best games from Twitch. But as the sub-genre continues to make progress with online communities, even with celebrities who join in the fun, many are wondering where the game mode can go from here. go next, it is important to start over from the beginning of the trend. To understand how we got to this point – since its inception as a game mod paying tribute to popular movies, to the behemoth that it is today – here is our exploder on the royal battle, and what could to be the next step for the players

Battle Royale (2000) – Takeshi Kitano explains "BR" to the class "src =" .jpg "srcset =" 1920w, -battleroyale2_original.jpg 1280w, 480w "sizes =" (max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px "data-width =" 1280 "/>
Battle Royale (2000) – Takeshi Kitano explains" BR "to the class 19659006] To put it simply, the Royal Battle is a comba t to large-scale death for all, in order to be the last player alive. With only one life to live, you will have to find all the possible weapons – crowbars and frying pans included, depending on the game – while keeping your focus by keeping one length ahead of the competition. Although most games that tackle the type of Battle Royale game have their own tricks, the basic framework of a match is always the same: a big card, a large group of players, a random gear to find and a fighting arena in more tense confrontations. While players can look forward to exciting encounters that may be satisfying on their own, all of this is questionable if you do not reach the real goal. If you are not the last standing, then you have not won.

The origins and setting of the type of play date back to the novel and Japanese cult classic film adaptation entitled Battle Royale . ] Written by Koushun Takami, the story unfolds in a dystopian future in Japan where the government holds an annual "Battle Royale" contest to keep the population in check, while stifling the growing troubles of the country's youth. A group of high school students are transported to an abandoned island of 10 km, equipped with anti-bomb collars to avoid the escape, and are forced to participate in a battle to the death with all the objects that they can find. In order to push for more confrontations, forbidden areas gradually pop up across the island, forcing fighters to come closer.

Despite the morbid premise, Battle Royale has a hyper stylized approach to his portrayal of violence. -combining the drama of the school with powdery situations from a Quentin Tarantino movie. Many of the most intense moments of the film are the result of a lack of judgment, a lack of equipment or a general misplaced faith in the abilities of the fighter – which usually constitute the most frequent deaths of players in the royal battle parties. Although the film was successful, even finding a passionate audience in the West, another novel and a series of films with a similar premise known as The Hunger Games found a greater popularity. At the time of its release, many fans were inspired to implement their own grip in their favorite games via mods of players.

How did Battle Royale Games start?

  No captions provided This is where online multiplayer and unique game modes have found their niche, which would influence countless other games - PC and console - in the coming years. On the surface, the Royal Battle functions as a traditional multiplayer deathmatch game, which found its popularity in online multiplayer PC games in the 90s. With the modding for PC games becoming more accessible through development tools available to free and resourceful players, online communities have been able to create different types of experiences - even in the titles you least expected. For example, games like Counter-Strike and League of Legends started as fan mods for Half-Life and WarCraft III - which were popular enough to warrant a response from the developers themselves. </p>
<p>  In an interview with GameSpot, Brendan Greene, the creator of PUBG, said that mods of players have had an immense impact on the state of the game. </p>
<p>  "The five greatest games of these twenty the last few years have come from mods, "said Greene. "League [of Legends] CS: GO, Dota [2] they are all mods, and I think that's because Modding gives you the freedom to take those risks and do something that people do not ask for, but it's something I wanted to make a royal battle game that I wanted to play, and I think the freedom to create what you want is an advantage that modding gives to people. "</p>
<p>  Around the world The time of the release of <em> The Hunger Games </em> in the early 2010s, Minecraft has become a popular game with players of all ages for its unparalleled world creation and construction tools. Focusing on the exploration of a world generated by the procedure where you can craft objects, build houses, collect resources, and battle creatures, Markus' Notch & # 39; Persson quickly found success after videos and social media. As Minecraft gained momentum, its creative tools expanded, allowing the community to include its own assets and storylines in the game. <em> The Hunger Games </em> A subset of older players eventually made competition-focused mods known as Hunger Games – now called Survival Games. Just like in the movie, the players were forced into a death battle against the others – which was a change of pace from the usually sweet mood of the game. </p>
<p>  Another game that also got a foothold in online multiplayer circles like DayZ, which started as a custom mod for the Arma II military tactical shooter. DayZ's creator, Dean Hall, wanted to create an online shooter and a quasi-social experience in a dark and relentless environment where resources were limited and spontaneous alliances formed with others could occur. collapse at any time. In addition, there were zombies – many of them. Eventually, DayZ was released as a stand-alone game, with Hall even joining Arma's developers at Bohemia Interactive shortly thereafter. As the zombie shooter grew up, his community started experimenting with new mods for the game. One of those players in the Arma online community – under the name of PlayerUnknown – finally released the DayZ Battle mod Royal in 2013. Shortly after, other developers began to see the potential of the nascent popularity of the new free-for-all game. </p>
<h2>  H1Z1: From Zombies to Battle Royale </h2>
<figure data-align=  No legend provided

While the popularity of the Arma moderation scene increased to include the City Life RPG and Invasion 1944 mods, Basic has also experienced increased success – with many players buying the game just so that they can discover the creations of the community. Upon the release of Arma 3, PlayerUnknown – the real name of Brendan Greene – released another mod that advanced its concept, known as the Battle Royale of PlayerUnknown. Shortly after, he was contacted by Sony Online Entertainment to work on a new title that would become H1Z1. In response to the massive success of DayZ, the developers created their own zombie shooter open to the world focusing on survival against all odds. However, the developers wanted to include an official royal battle mode of Greene's design to complete the basic game. Known as King of the Kill, 100 players would face each other to reach first place. The studio not only believed that it would increase its base of players, but also saw it as a potential hunt.

Unfortunately, several setbacks have kept the game in early access longer than expected. In 2015, Sony sold the Sony Online Entertainment studio, which had both H1Z1 and a new active EverQuest MMO. While the MMO will later be put on hold, the studio – renamed DayBreak Game Company – has continued to work on its online shooter. After a year of working as an independent studio, developers have divided H1Z1 into two distinct modes, Just Survive and King of the Kill, which have come in response to the growing trend of players in the game. original with zombies – now known as H1Z1: Just Survive – had a sequel, the royal battle mode became more popular, which prompted the developers to make the link. These changes, as well as other adjustments to the basic game, resulted in creative differences with Brendan Greene and the team, and the modder turned developer decided to part with Daybreak.

Today, H1Z1 still has an active community, even setting up several esports events for the best players to compete for cash prizes. Now out-of-the-box and open beta on PS4, the H1Z1 has grown steadily over the years, including even a number of experimental modes like Auto-Royale – a free-for-all vehicle gameplay However, DayBreak's departure from Brendan Greene eventually cleared the way for a game changer in the royal battle subgenre

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner: PUBG's Ascension

  None supplied legend

After Greene left DayBreak, he was approached by producer Chang-Han Kim of South Korean developer Bluehole to collaborate on a new game centered on the experience of the Royal Battle . In keeping with the formula he created for the Arma mod, and keeping his community name online, they started working on the game that would eventually become PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Taking the role of creative director for his first stand-alone title, Greene would work a lot with Bluehole on the game – which he believed to be the truest form of the royal battle that he had planned during his time to make mods.

A version of Battlegrounds from PlayerUnknown, a large group of players are brought on an 8x8km island known as Erangel – an abandoned military base of the Soviet Union – to fight and determine the last man standing. Players are transported to the island via a cargo plane and can drop off and parachute at the location of their choice. Around the players is a field of invading blue energy, which has gradually closed around the island – forcing more players into the conflict in the process. When the last player receives the last kill, he is greeted by the famous congratulatory message "Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner".

During the pre-launch periods, the number of players was estimated at over 80,000 players. give the game a substantial boost in its official release. With its growing fanbase, which began to refer to the game as PUBG, Battlegrounds finally launched on March 19, 2017 in advance access on PC. He quickly reached the top of Steam's bestseller list, and shortly after it was launched, the developers also won an exclusive contract with Microsoft for Xbox One. In September 2017, after selling several million copies of the game, Bluehole renamed the main development team working on the game as PUBG Corporation, with Chang-Han Kim as CEO.

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By the end of 2017, PUBG was a huge success, with a record number of players in December reaching more than 3 million active users on Steam. Battlegrounds would continue to break several records on Steam, even taking a higher monthly income than Overwatch and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in its first month. In March 2018, PUBG sold more than 40 million copies on all platforms and even received a free mobile version. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds was one of the most discussed titles in 2017, even winning Game of the Year nominations in several news outlets. In its first year, PUBG Corporation released two full cards for the game, along with another smaller card – the Savage 4×4 card – currently in beta. In addition, developers are also experimenting with a more traditional deathmatch mode offering more content diversity, while supporting the Xbox One version – which recently hit more than 5 million players.

Seeing the success of PUBG, many other developers started to change their point of view to align with the popularity of the genre – even if it meant rearranging their existing games into something completely different.

The Rebirth Of Fortnite

  No Legend Provided

Revealed in 2011, Fortnite's Epic Games was a passion project for many of its leading developers, including the creator of Gears of War, Cliff Bleszinski. As a zombie shooter in Horde mode with a focus on building core, Fortnite was primarily surviving against waves of increasingly difficult enemies. With cooperative mode in mind, the original mode – now known as Save The World – brings players across multiple cards by upgrading their characters and gaining new loot. Although the developers were excited about its potential, the development of the game was rather disrupted, with the team having problems solving the gameplay and basic mechanics. After several years of retooling and refinement of its gameplay systems, Fortnite was released early on July 25, 2017 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

The launch of Fortnite coincided with the growing popularity of PUBG, whose developers were also playing at the time. At a 2018 GDC conference on their unorthodox approach to launching the game, Ed Zobrist – head of publishing for Epic Games – said they wanted to quickly come up with an alternative way to complete the campaign Fortnite. By moving the Unreal Tournament development team to focus on Fortnite: Battle Royale, they were able to launch the new game mode on September 26, 2017, two months after the early launch of the base game. To offer the game to as many players as they could, the new mode was free, while the PVE content was playable only by purchasing the basic package of the game for early access – which will eventually be available to all players free once it leaves early access. This decision would change Fortnite drastically.

In Fortnite: Battle Royale, the overall pace is faster, and with a smaller card, the engagements with other players are quite common. With a more stylized and aesthetic design, the overall feel and mechanics of shooting are more arcade-like compared to PUBG's realistic shooting style, in keeping with its roots in military-style action games. Instead of a cargo plane, players are brought to the island by a party bus, with music in the background while the players descend on the plane. island. From there, players can get the same types of engagement as you expect from Battle Royale games. However, the big difference between Fortnite and PUBG is the inclusion of building mechanics.

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Fortnite Battle Royale – Game Trailer

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Tout comme dans le mode Save The World, les joueurs peuvent décomposer des objets dans l&#39;environnement pour obtenir des ressources pour construire des structures, telles que des murs et des escaliers. Cela permet aux joueurs de créer des structures défensives pour se protéger des attaques ou atteindre des endroits de la carte impossibles à pied. Alors que vous pouvez passer à travers une grande partie d&#39;un jeu sans avoir à construire, les batailles finales dans le top 20 mettent en valeur la vitesse et la complexité de la construction. Une compréhension de base de la création de structure, et la dextérité requise pour suivre les autres, devient un must pour la survie vers la fin des matches.

Bien que Fortnite a vu un afflux massif de nouveaux joueurs au cours de ses premiers mois, Battle Royale foulée au début de 2018. À bien des égards, Fortnite est un jeu plus accessible par rapport à son concurrent direct, PUBG. Non seulement en termes d&#39;esthétique et de contenu, qui présentent un style d&#39;art plus stylisé et plus cartoone, mais aussi en ce qu&#39;il s&#39;agit d&#39;un jeu free-to-play, ce qui contraste avec le prix de 29,99 $ de PUBG. L&#39;approche de Fortnite en matière de microtransactions a également été saluée. Avec le Battle Pass et les V-Bucks (monnaie premium), vous pouvez accéder à des skins et autres produits cosmétiques qui n&#39;affectent pas le gameplay. Au fur et à mesure de la mise à niveau et du déblocage de nouveaux niveaux, vous pouvez mettre à niveau certains habillages, en leur donnant un nouveau look dans le processus. Vous n&#39;êtes jamais exclus de l&#39;expérience de base avec Fortnite: Battle Royale. Bien que chaque saison oblige les joueurs à acheter une nouvelle passe pour débloquer la prochaine série de défis et de déblocages, elle n&#39;est jamais imposée aux joueurs. Epic a également été rapide pour répondre aux commentaires concernant les aspects du jeu, en plus d&#39;ajouter une pléthore de nouveaux contenus – ce qui rend le jeu se sentir comme il est en croissance constante.

Actuellement, Fortnite: Battle Royale est l&#39;un des plus populaires jeux dans le monde, avec beaucoup de blagues et de références envahissant la vie réelle. Sa version mobile a également connu un énorme succès, trouvant un public dédié de joueurs qui cherchent à prendre son style de bataille royale sur le pouce. Avec des athlètes professionnels exécutant des danses de victoire et des actions basées sur le jeu, le célèbre artiste de rap Drake a passé plusieurs heures à jouer avec le célèbre streamer Twitch N1nja, avec Travis Scott et l&#39;ancien propriétaire de MegaUpload, KimDotCom. Et dans un autre cas bizarre, Epic a collaboré avec Marvel Entertainment pour lancer un événement de liaison Avengers: Infinity War où les joueurs peuvent ramasser le gant Infinity et prendre le contrôle de Thanos lui-même. Dire Fortnite a trouvé un nouveau succès avec son pivot de bataille royale serait un euphémisme massif. La grande majorité des joueurs de Fornite sont là pour le mode PvP, le voyant comme le jeu principal sur le mode PvE – qui est quelque chose qui est caché derrière un paywall (temporaire).

Ce qui était autrefois un jeu qui a lutté pour Il est devenu un jeu que beaucoup cherchent à imiter. Et à cause du succès soudain et monumental que Fortnite a eu avec son pivot, c&#39;est maintenant ouvert saison sur le sous-genre, avec d&#39;autres développeurs essayant de trouver leur propre fortune avec le concept.

L&#39;avenir de Battle Royale, et le nouveau Competition

No Caption Provided

With the battle royale sub-genre offering players a chance to test their mettle against a large player pool, not many games can offer that same type of thrills and satisfaction when making a good run of it. But just in 2018, we&#39;ve seen several games looking to chase the same hype surrounding the game mode, including The Darwin Project, S.O.S., Paladins: Battlegrounds, and Radical Heights–which recently saw the closing of developer Boss Key Productions. In a stranger case, the developers behind the loot-oriented action-RPG game Path of Exile included a free April Fools update featuring a new battle royale game mode, which ended up being surprise hit according to their developer blog. Though it only took a day for the creators to make, over 27,000 games were played in its first 31 hours online. Due to the surprise success, the developers are looking to implement the mode as a part of their seasonal content.

In May, Treyarch and Activision revealed the long-rumored battle royale mode for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 titled Blackout, which aims to celebrate the history of the sub-series while offering the largest-scale combat the franchise has seen yet. Shortly after, EA and DICE revealed Battlefield V, and at E3 2018, unveiled their own plans to take on the battle royale sub-genre. The developers shared their thoughts on the growing craze, stating that it would be a good fit for the Battlefield series. Whether any of the upcoming games will see the same monumental success of PlayerUnknown&#39;s Battlegrounds or Fortnite remains to be seen, but still, there&#39;s definitely a drive from developers to experiment and create something a bit different with their existing games.

There&#39;s a solid chance that battle royale will likely be a normalized game mode for many online shooters moving forward. One thing is for certain–the landscape of the battle royale sub-genre will look very different by year&#39;s end. With so many battle royale games on the way, and with Fornite&#39;s spot becoming more secure by the day, other developers will seek to introduce another battle royale hit to shift the paradigm once again. For PUBG&#39;s Greene, he welcomes the coming changes and titles adopting the game type, while all adding in their own unique take on it.

"That&#39;s what I always thought of the mode when I first invented it, in that it could be that [basic] mode eventually like capture the flag or king of the hill–it&#39;s that type of game mode, and I think it&#39;s flexible enough to be that," said Greene. "It&#39;s great to see the genre grow in the way it has. There&#39;s [a lot of] new and interesting spins coming out, like The Darwin Project just released the Director Mode, so it&#39;s so great to see those different takes on a very simple concept."

For more on the future of the battle royale genre, be sure to check back with GameSpot to learn all about the newest games looking to jump into the fray.

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