Battlefield 5 Dev Talks – Video Addresses


battlefield 5 dev speaks

Shortly after the open beta, DICE published on its website an article giving some first answers to some comments from the test. Now, DICE has released its second video Dev Talks, which focuses entirely on a much more substantial response to all comments and data collected by the company on its new game.

The video, which lasts about twenty-four minutes, is a candid look at the Battlefield V the team thinks about their games and how they approach things like feedback adjustments. In the video, DICE representatives discuss plans or issues related to Attrition, visibility, death, TTK / TTD, and vehicles.

For attrition, the DICE team is looking to make adjustments to launch ammunition at reappearance, provide a globally higher ammo capacity and give everyone a single-use health pouch at the time of the event. recurrence. As a result, modifications are also made to the supply stations, especially where they will be located in relation to those where players will want to build them.

For visibility, DICE added a mechanism called "distance haze", a sort of focus technique designed to help players focus a little more on important details. Lightning adjustments are also made on scenes like Rotterdam, including corrections to real errors and manual adjustments in certain areas.

The "death loop" is also changing. The moment to bleed is adjusted, with the possibility of jumping it completely and dying right away. The timing of Respawn is also being modified to make the "highs" of the event more pronounced.

Time To Kill and Time To Death are adjusted. With TTK, DICE wants to point out that players should not go in the open, and that most of what is in place is deliberate (but still subject to change based on data). In the meantime, there is a real technical problem with TTD, which is a work in progress.

The vehicles were also part of the video. With planes, visibility is once again a problem and DICE extends the scoping range to help with this. For the tanks, many players complained that the tank in the beta version felt too slow, but DICE pointed out that several classes of tanks would be in the final game, each with different properties.

Battlefield V will be published on November 20, 2018.

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