Battlefield V will not include card voting at launch


In the most recent Battlefield V Weekly Debrief, it was revealed that the card vote will not be present at the launch of EA's next war shooter.

EA DICE made Weekly Debriefs on Reddit which provided readers with information and screenshots for the upcoming game. This week's message contained a selection of all the articles, videos, blog posts and screenshots of the week. The conclusion of the weekly debriefing was a section dedicated to feedback with developers answering questions from the community. This included the following question: "The card vote between the towers Battlefield V? "Matthias Wagner, level designer, simply stated:" Unfortunately, this will not be available at launch. "

Looking at some of the comments below, the community looks good with a map voting feature never implemented. The main reason for this belief seems to be that it would allow for a wider variety of cards since the "good" or "popular" card would not be voted on each time.

Among these issues was also a detailed overview of all the vehicles included in each map during certain game modes. This list shows the number of tanks, transport vehicles, aircraft and reinforcements.

Finally, we have an overview of what will happen in the week of November 5, 2018. More specifically, the members of Origin Acess and EA Access will have quick access to Battlefield V as of November 9, 2018. Although it is only a 10-hour period, it is the complete game. You will be able to access practically all the features of the game.

In addition, we can expect an official launch trailer, a few guides, an offer overview and launch notes for Battlefield V. The last point on the list says: "Surprises to come!" What this may imply is still unknown … which makes sense since it is supposed to be a surprise.

Battlefield V is the last installment of the long-running first-person shooter franchise. This time, the game will resume its roots, as it happens in the Second World War. It will contain everything you expect from the famous shooting game, as well as the all-new Battle Royale mode, Firestorm, which should be released after the launch in March 2019.

Battlefield V launches November 20, 2018 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. If you buy the deluxe editionYou will have early access to the game on November 15, 2018.

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