Bethesda tries to define the expectations of players before Fallout 76 beta


Image: Bethesda (Fallout 76)

Last night, Bethesda issued a letter to his fans that seemed to be an attempt to set their expectations for the launch of the Fallout 76 beta test on Xbox One. The letter covered a variety of topics, but the most notable is when Bethesda talked about how bogus games were in the past, preparing players for Fallout 76 the bugs and the problems it allowed would, in some cases, have a "dramatic" impact. Beyond, it seems that Bethesda is trying to prepare his fans for reality: Fall has gone online, with all that that entails.

Although the game has already undergone a weekend stress test, tonight's beta, Xbox One, is available from 7:00 pm. at 23:00 for people who have pre-ordered, will Fallout 76First public performance. In this context, the letter from Bethesda makes sense: big games with complicated systems can be subject to problems, as any player Old parchments or recent Fall know but Fall 76 is particularly vulnerable to performance issues as it is also online and is the first time the public can attack it.

"Given what we do with 76we know that we are opening everyone to all the spectacular new issues that none of us have known, "said the studio in the letter. "We know some of them, like the areas in which performance needs to be improved with many players. Others, we certainly do not do it. We need your help to find them and advice on important points to solve. "

Will players playing tonight see their custom characters scroll through the map or have difficulty shooting at close range targets? Will they even be able to connect? Only time will tell. As more and more studios venture into the game as a service, a language like Bethesda is not uncommon.

Over the weekend, the manufacturer of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 reacted to the players' criticisms of the game server's tick rate decline, saying that this degradation was part of an effort to ensure stability when launching the game. "As we've always said, launching is just the beginning and we are determined to ensure that Black Ops 4 the best game we've ever delivered, "wrote a representative of Treyarch on the subreddit of the game.

Similarly, Rockstar Games has already tried to reduce the expectations of Red Dead Redemption 2The online mode, which does not even come out until next month. "As we learned when launching online games on this scale, there are inevitably some problems and we want to make sure that we have time to gradually roll out the game and make the experience the more fluid possible for all. "Said Imran Sarwar, director of design at Rockstar North. IGN in an interview on the online mode of the game.

Bethesda, perhaps, has a harder road ahead of her with Fallout 76 compared to the competition. Before Call of Duty games and the first Red Dead Redemption had online modes, and players have an idea of ​​what to expect. But this is the first online Fall (since the game planned by Interplay Fallout Online MMO never released). In his letter yesterday, Bethesda tried to reassure his fans that moving to an online world was worth it.

Screenshot: Bethesda (Fallout 76)

"Our worlds, whether it's Fall, Old parchments, or the coming Starfield, are important places for us, "wrote the studio. "We do everything to treat them with care. We know that they are just as important to you. The time you spend on it is important and you want every time you meet one that is special and all that you can be. "

Fallout 76 has been a source of many discussions and debates, dating back to when Kotaku initially signaled that it was likely to be an online game. After Bethesda officially announced it soon after, fans were split on whether it was good news. Would he keep enough of what makes a Fall game a Fall Is this game just like another online survival game, but with nuclear weapons and powerful armor this time around?

This division has appeared very recently among fans obsessed by certain iconographies whose appearance in the game seemed to contradict the existing traditions of the series, dating back to the first games of the period where she still belonged to Interplay. Fallout 76 is in 2102, before the other games, leaving some people puzzled as to why an organization called The Brotherhood of Steel would be involved. Bethesda responded with a tweet try to explain the inconsistency with more traditions. While this is a small problem in itself, the discussion has illuminated the larger division of the game's fan community, between those who see Fallout 76 betrayal of the series' roots and those who are eager to see it evolve and pursue the kinds of multiplayer experiences that have created games like Fortnite and PUBG so much success.

"What is it exactly?" Asked Bethesda Fallout 76 rhetorically in his letter. It is unlikely that anything will solve the disagreement of the fans on this Fall should be, but at the very least, tonight's beta should help everyone get a better idea of ​​what it really is.

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