Bethesda "will examine" by adding Push-to-Talk to Fallout 76


Do not hold your breath

There will be one last game session for the Fallout 76 Beta, but after tomorrow, Bethesda will prepare all the material until the game is launched correctly, on November 14th. Given the radical shift to a multiplayer-centric design, developers have many reactions to consider.

In a note thanking players for participating in the beta, Bethesda responded to some of the common concerns regarding Fallout 76. The big problem, at least for me, is the lack of a push-to-talk feature. I could not even exceed the creator of the character without hearing someone giggle a lung.

Bethesda has reacted a little backward, explaining that his goal with the default voice chat is to point out that the world is animated by real people, other players like you. There is no Push-to-Talk in a misguided attempt to encourage "player interaction", but the developers "will consider adding this to the". to come up".

The team also talked about another major topic of discussion: Fallout 76The FOV slider is locked. "We have not supported FOV sliders in our previous games because it is known to break a lot of animations and cause a lot of clipping on the screen. The option to zoom out to the third person on PC by holding View and move the mouse wheel, but we will not be able to have it in the first person. "

Regarding other outstanding issues, Bethesda has promised a post-launch support of ultra-wide 21: 9 support, patches for "many achievements" in a future update and a possible increase in the weight limit 400 for player caches. It is also planned to eliminate a bug causing endless hunger and put an end to these random shots and "loud sounds around the Appalachians". All this happens a day after the launch.

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