Bezos: If Trump welcomed the attention of the media, "it would be so safe and so safe"


The owner of Washington Post and the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos – no stranger to attacks on his companies and himself from President Trump – said the president should welcome media surveillance instead of denigrating journalists. Mr. Trump often blames the Washington Post as "false news" and accused the post of being a lobbying arm for Amazon, a claim Post refused also completely inaccurate.

Bezos, speaking Thursday evening at the Washington Economic Club, said it is a "mistake" for any elected representative to attack the press.

"Well, I'm defending the post," Bezos said. "I do not feel the need to defend Amazon, but I will say this – it's a mistake for any elected official, in my opinion, I do not think it's a very general opinion, to attack the media and journalists. believe that it is an essential component of our democracy. "

"I think there's probably no public figure who ever liked their titles, it's OK, that's part of the process," Bezos said. "If you are the president of the United States or a governor of a state or something else, you do not take this work thinking that you will not be examined. You will be scrutinized thoroughly. It's healthy.The chair should say, that's right, that's fine, I'm glad I'm brought back to the bar and that it's so safe and so sure. is really dangerous to demonize the media .. dangerous to say that they are the enemy of the people. "

But attacks on the press – though dangerous – are no stronger than US institutions, Bezos said.

"We are so robust in this country, the media will be fine," predicted Bezos.

Bezos and Marty Baron, the editor of the post, remind journalists that despite attacks by the commander in chief on the media, the newspaper is not at war with the Trump administration.

"Marty says maybe the administration is at war with us, we're not at war with the administration, just do the job, just do the job, that's Marty's phrase," said Bezos.

Mr. Trump often goes after the post and other media in tweets and rallies. Mr. Trump at one point recently clarified that only the media "FAKE NEWS" is "the enemy of the people", but followed by saying that the vast majority of media – about 80%, he said – is called false news.

Mr. Trump also attempted to attack Amazon, claiming that he uses the post office as a "deliveryman". Despite the attacks of the president on Amazon, CBS News first reported that his campaign has frequently used society for supplies, like many households in America.

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