Binding with your horse in "Red Dead Redemption 2" is really important


dead horse red animal redemption 2

In a western, a person is only worth as much as his horse. And for Red Dead Redemption 2Not only has Rockstar Games spent years thinking and developing systems around horses, but it will also ask you to think about your furry friend, quite often.

If you have paid attention to Red Dead Redemption 2 In the preparations for its launch, you will know that there are a variety of horses in the game, all with different attributes. In addition, the more you connect with your horse – caressing him – the more he will start to trust you, which will have its own benefits. And of course, if you do not deal with it, your horse may die, which means you will have to replace it and start the process again.

That being said, talking to EDGE Magazine (via Wccftech), Artistic Director Aaraon Garbut revealed more details about the amount of work needed to design the horses in the game and the systems built around them.

"Like many parts of the game, the team has been riding the horse for years," said Garbut. "The horse's personality will be reflected in his behavior, reacting to the world in a way that is unique to his race and his connection to it.Your horse should feel like a living being with a good spirit." he and we have spent a lot of time marking elements of the world so that the horse knows where he wants to go and what he wants to avoid, as much as the player. "

The director continues:

"Beyond that, we want the horse to feel like a companion," said Garbut. "You start taking care of it and it upsets you when it hurts you." Taking care of that, and making connections with it, becomes something you want to do not just for the benefits that it can bring but also because he is your best friend.

"If he's hurt and dying, you have little time to buy drugs and it's sometimes in such situations that the game opens up its own adventures.Several, nothing matters to help your horse." That said, you can just let him die and get another one, well, I could not, maybe you could do it. "

Taking care of your horse sounds like a good level of immersion and brings the game closer to realism, but it can also seem tedious, if not frustrating, if your horse dies at a lower cost. It will be interesting to see how Rockstar Games implements and balances all that.

Red Dead Redemption 2 – also known as 2018 Horse Keeper – should be out later this month on October 26th on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

For more information and coverage on the open world western, click here.

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