BioWare gives Mass Effect fans a touch of hope for N7 Day


The Mass Effect franchise is currently in a suspended animation phase as a result of the poor performance of the fourth game in the series, Mass Effect Andromeda. But the developer BioWare knows it very well. That's why he recognizes each year November 7 as "N7 Day" with a message to fans reminding them of their experience in safeguarding the Milky Way threat Reaper.

And it seems that BioWare boss Casey Hudson used the N7 Day studio's Twitter post to discuss the future of Mass Effect.

BioWare posted a short video on Twitter, mostly composed of people from the studio and the fan community explaining why they like Mass Effect. It also includes an announcement that the studio has developed a free update for Andromeda on Xbox One X that improves the graphics of the game.

What is perhaps the most interesting part is the end, however, where Hudson makes an insinuating statement: "It means coming to the studio every day, dreaming of what will be Mass's next big game. Effect. "

Then he stares at the camera for a long moment as he sips a cup of Mass Effect with Commander Shepard's famous line, "I Should Go," stenciled. What does it mean ???

Maybe nothing. After all, it's not like BioWare or its owner, Electronic Arts, who once said that Mass Effect had been officially canceled – but the solo DLC for Mass Effect Andromeda has never materialized, despite some clear configurations for some in the story, after the game rough reception of fans and critics. BioWare has focused on Anthem, its open-world science fiction multiplayer game, due out in February.

It seems that Hudson's persistent stare on the camera is a significant wink to the fans, letting them know that the Mass Effect series has not been killed in a hall. advice somewhere. And in a blog post in August, Hudson noted that BioWare knew that fans wanted more Mass Effect (and more from its fantastic franchise, Dragon Age), and that the studio had people working on "secret projects" even he did not want to enumerate. what they could be. So, this meaningful look seems to be a playful reminder to N7 Day fans that BioWare has not forgotten them.

There is a big question of what Mass Effect might look like after Andromeda. Would BioWare maintain the course of the fourth game, which stems from the original trilogy and takes place in a brand new galaxy, or will the bad reception of this game lead to a brand new course?

If Hudson tells fans to stay true to Mass Effect's future, it will probably take a long time to hear about him, thanks in part to Anthem. In the meantime, it's possible that fans simply have to watch BioWare communications for secret messages.

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