Bixby loudspeaker, foldable Galaxy X phone to keep Samsung buzz alive


Even if the launch of the Galaxy Note 9 turns out to be a failure, Samsung could have a backup that will at least make headlines in the coming months. Whether these upcoming products save it or not, that's a whole other matter. We may not have to wait too long before we realize that the Bixby loudspeaker, perhaps the most controversial of the two, is a few weeks away from its beginnings [19659002]. speaker that will serve as home for Bixby in your home. Maybe it's a sign of a lack of interest or just a lack of real details, but there have been relatively few substantial leaks about this Bixby speaker. Given the market trend, it is not difficult to guess the price, as confirmed by the Wall Street Journal.

Samsung would target the high-end speaker market in the same way as Google Home Max and Apple HomePod. means a price of $ 300. Given his HARMAN property, it's not hard to imagine how he will position the speaker as such. And, of course, there is the Bixby element, which is not exactly the most loved personal assistant on the market. WSJ also describes the Bixby speaker as a bowl with legs, which is going to be a strange design.

Image courtesy of Lets Go Digital

If the speaker Bixby flops (and chances are it), Samsung still has early 2019 to wait. WSJ also reports that the Galaxy X, the long-awaited foldable phone, will debut "early 2019", which could mean anything between January and March. Previous rumors have it at CES 2019. And it could be the foldable phone that everyone dreamed about.

According to the publication, the Galaxy X will have a 7-inch screen, almost like a tablet, which folds like a wallet. There will be a second screen on the outside to prevent users from unfolding the phone whenever they need to use it. Given these characteristics, it should be a surprise if it ends up getting a price of $ 1,500 indeed.

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