Black Ops 4 & # 39; Angry Players on Server Decommissioning

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The Black Ops 4 community is stirring by revealing the degradation of the server.Credit: Treyarch

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 had a good start last weekend.

The game receives excellent reviews (mine will not be available until it's been in the wild for two weeks because of the issues I discuss in this post) and allows Activision to gain a lot of money. # 39; money.

I really enjoy the multiplayer mode and Blackout (the new royal battle mode of the game), but not everyone is happy. If you noticed that Black Ops 4 seems a little less fluid than during the beta, the reason may be a degradation of the speed of sending servers from 60 Hz to 20 Hz.

This upgrade has been tested by the user of reddit u / Smcro and has since taken over Black Ops 4 subreddit. Almost all the posts on the site are devoted to the tick rate, although others point out that the game has other flaws that prevent it from staying up, including staggered hitboxes.

Treyarch's latest game update does not solve server problems, but almost every comment on Treyarch's post asks for it.

There are a few things happening here.

Let's start with the explanation. The tick rate is the frequency with which an online game is updated in real time. If the server send rate is 60 Hz, it means that it is updated 60 times per second, which perfectly matches 60 frames per second. If the server sends at 20hz, it means that it updates only 1/3 as many times and is offset from the image rate. Instead of updating the game with each image, the servers now update all three images.

In an elite sniper where every image counts, this can lead to all kinds of strange abnormalities such as the detection of bad shots, the other guy shooting you when you are behind a surface and so of after. More than anything, it makes the game easy, as if something intangible is not quite right.

Why would Treyarch and Activision downgrade servers? It is impossible to say because neither the developer nor the publisher has commented publicly. I've reached out and I have not had an answer yet.

YouTuber Battle (no) sense has also studied the tick rate of the game and left with a theory: Blackout was running with a much longer delay than the normal multiplayer mode in betas of each mode. This was not noticeable since the betas had occurred at different times, but it would have been much more obvious once thrown together. So, while Blackout works better now than during the beta, normal multiplayer mode is less efficient. Both have similar performance levels now, which is good news for Blackout and terrible news for the multiplayer mode.

Whatever the reason behind the scenes, the Black Ops 4 the community is in the arms, demanding that Treyarch opens on the subject. As I indicated above, it is these types of problems that prevent me from immediately writing a final critique for games like this one. You certainly can not have a good idea of ​​the performance of a game during a pre-release replay, but even a week is not enough time to fully understand the performance of a game. a game in the real world.

Between tick rates, bad appearances and detection of insignificant strokes, Black Ops 4 Treyarch still has a lot of work to do. The good news is that, beyond this problem, the developer has been incredibly open and responsive. He updated the game almost daily and explained what he is working on and why. Hope this continues.

Look for my opinion soon (ish). Basically, I'm having a good time with Black Ops 4 and I think it can be even better with a bit of loving and caring love (and a server upgrade.) I will update this post if and when Treyarch responds.


The Black Ops 4 community is stirring by revealing the degradation of the server.Credit: Treyarch

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 had a good start last weekend.

The game receives excellent reviews (mine will not be available until it's been in the wild for two weeks because of the issues I discuss in this post) and allows Activision to gain a lot of money. # 39; money.

I really enjoy the multiplayer mode and Blackout (the new royal battle mode of the game), but not everyone is happy. If you noticed that Black Ops 4 seems a little less fluid than during the beta, the reason may be a degradation of the speed of sending servers from 60 Hz to 20 Hz.

This upgrade has been tested by the user of reddit u / Smcro and has since taken over Black Ops 4 subreddit. Almost all the posts on the site are devoted to the tick rate, although others point out that the game has other flaws that prevent it from staying up, including staggered hitboxes.

Treyarch's latest game update does not solve server problems, but almost every comment on Treyarch's post asks for it.

There are a few things happening here.

Let's start with the explanation. The tick rate is the frequency with which an online game is updated in real time. If the server send rate is 60 Hz, it means that it is updated 60 times per second, which perfectly matches 60 frames per second. If the server sends at 20hz, it means that it updates only 1/3 as many times and is offset from the image rate. Instead of updating the game with each image, the servers now update all three images.

In an elite sniper where every image counts, this can lead to all kinds of strange abnormalities such as the detection of bad shots, the other guy shooting you when you are behind a surface and so of after. More than anything, it makes the game easy, as if something intangible is not quite right.

Why would Treyarch and Activision downgrade servers? It is impossible to say because neither the developer nor the publisher has commented publicly. I've reached out and I have not had an answer yet.

YouTuber Battle (no) sense has also studied the tick rate of the game and left with a theory: Blackout was running with a much longer delay than the normal multiplayer mode in betas of each mode. This was not noticeable since the betas had occurred at different times, but it would have been much more obvious once thrown together. So, while Blackout works better now than during the beta, normal multiplayer mode is less efficient. Both have similar performance levels now, which is good news for Blackout and terrible news for the multiplayer mode.

Whatever the reason behind the scenes, the Black Ops 4 the community is in the arms, demanding that Treyarch opens on the subject. As I indicated above, it is these types of problems that prevent me from immediately writing a final critique for games like this one. You certainly can not have a good idea of ​​the performance of a game during a pre-release replay, but even a week is not enough time to fully understand the performance of a game. a game in the real world.

Between tick rates, bad appearances and detection of insignificant strokes, Black Ops 4 Treyarch still has a lot of work to do. The good news is that, beyond this problem, the developer has been incredibly open and responsive. He updated the game almost daily and explained what he is working on and why. Hope this continues.

Look for my opinion soon (ish). Basically, I'm having a good time with Black Ops 4 and I think it can be even better with a bit of loving and caring love (and a server upgrade.) I will update this post if and when Treyarch responds.

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