Black Ops 4 'could be the most fun game in the history of the series



Even before Activision hosted a gigantic community day in Los Angeles earlier this year, it unveiled the basics of gameplay and announced outings for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, there was a lot of jokes on the internet that the latest version of "Blops" (to which the sub-series is both affectionately and derisively) would borrow a complete garment from the various developments of the war that became a huge affair Cod abandoned game.

SPFs and competition games have been absolutely dominated in recent years by both Overwatch and by the ubiquitous model of Battle Royale, which made the only world champion Fortnite and Battlefields of PlayerUnknown. At this community event in May, the Secret operations The developers got up shamelessly on the stage and told the crowd and the public online that they were well aware of the games the community was playing because Cod The team plays them too.

To this end, two of the three main centers of Black Ops 4 in the vein of these extremely popular trends, and that's not a bad thing at all. On the Overwatch before, this iteration of Secret operations teaches you to control and play as one of 10 different specialists (six types of return specialists, as well as four new ones). All types of specialists have their own special abilities and movements, and the best parties combine and maximize their types and specialist roles for a better chance of success and dominance. Yes, the specialists existed in the Secret operations universe before the existence of Overwatch, but the focus on specialized gameplay and unique stories for different specialists really evokes the best of that Overwatch accomplishes, and it is an extreme compliment.

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