"Black Ops 4" feels fresh and frustrating compared to other slices of "Call of Duty" | GO – Arts and Entertainment


This is a "Call of Duty" for the modern era.

"Black Ops 4", the latest entry into the long-time first person shooting franchise, breaks new ground.

For the first time, the game has no story mode. He is multi-player only, focusing more on the destruction of zombies and on a massive royal battle mode, Blackout.

Even the very popular Team Deathmatch has given way to new game modes like Heist.

The new additions and additions make the game feel fresh and frustrating compared to the rest of the franchise.

Let's start here: there is no story mode. In all previous Call of Duty games, there is a single story mode. Although many players ignore it and head straight for the online multiplayer mode, I've always loved playing through simple missions in single player mode to learn the mechanics of the game and get a nice storyline.

But you do not get that in "Black Ops 4." Instead, you get some individual stories centered on game specialists, pre-created characters with special powers and weapons.

Except that they are not stories. These are tutorials designed to teach you how to play with each specialist and give you an overview of the different abilities and game modes of the game.

Unfortunately, they are slow and incredibly boring. Plus, the dialogue of your "instructor" in the game is a crazy talk that is so hilarious that I can not tell if it's a "self satire" or if it is bad. (I laugh aloud every time.)

At least they look good. (This is by far the most beautiful game of "Call of Duty." I found myself forced to stop looking at the cards so that my character would not be hit.)

The specialist stories also have short cinematic scenes designed to give you a story for each specialist, but (surprise!), They are also ineffective and boring.

By playing more missions and accumulating experience, you will unlock new weapons, abilities and powers, but until then, you are stuck playing as a specialist.

(This forces you to play these terrible missions, otherwise you will not know how their bonuses work.)

The focus on specialists has altered some of the basic mechanics of creating your own class and the game in general.

If you are touched, your health does not regenerate anymore. You need a med pack to regenerate your health and, once you use it, it regenerates itself on a timer.

In fact, although your main rifles and ammo are reset each turn, your special weapons and special powers regenerate on a timer.

My biggest pet peeve: You do not get a specific amount of grenades or tactical weapons every turn. If your class has them, they also regenerate on a timer. This can make the game more balanced – no more throwing grenades each turn – but is logically strange. (Do these soldiers deploy unarmed?) Why would a soldier be allowed to use a grenade every minute? Would not he just do it, you know, would he? )

These kinds of elements – power-ups, specialists, timer-related abilities – feel like other first-person shooters such as "Destiny" and "Overwatch".

Although I appreciate the fact that the "Call of Duty" series has taken a step back from the upcoming technologies with the last two versions of the franchise, it seems that they incorporate other successful elements. games with "Black Ops 4".

And that leads to Blackout, the royal battle mode of the game.

Blackout is the answer "Call of Duty" to the huge popularity of the Royal Battle shooters such as "Fortnite" and "PUBG".

The Battle Royale games take the basic idea of ​​a first-person shooter (the guys with weapons continue on a small card) and blow it up. Blackout allows 100 players to compete on an absolutely gigantic map with 13 separate locations.

I had never really played a royal battle game before. I tried "Fortnite", but I could not understand it. Every time I played, I died after about 30 seconds.

But I had a blast with Blackout. The map is amazing and huge and offers a lot of fun environments. Battles have always been difficult and always enjoyable.

I know that "Fortnite" is popular, but dude Blackout was a better experience for me. After the first sessions, I lasted 30 seconds. I never won, but I reached 8th place in solo and 2nd place as a team.

(The quads, where you play in a team of four, is my favorite way of doing Blackout.)

Heist is my other favorite game mode. It is up to your team to recover the money and safely transport it to an area on the other side of the map or, you know, to prevent the opposing team from do it. You also start with very little material and need to buy your weaponry with the earned currency by completing more missions. The more successful you are, the more money you will have to buy better equipment.

Finding "new creative ways to play a first person shooter" is where "Black Ops 4" excels. It only falls in a few uncomfortable places, some of which feel appropriate to other popular games.

But it's still very entertaining.

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