Black Ops 4 game modes guide


Here are some tips and tricks that will increase your performance in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. It is time for you to start getting the feats you deserve – so use our guide and finally settle for that high K / D ratio.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has been out for a while and so far there has been no real drama or concern to report in terms of the main gameplay. Everything is calm Let's take this little quiet time to examine the different game modes.

We will also give you some tips and tricks to improve your game. All we are going to suggest is agnostic on the platform. Therefore, whether you are a farmer with a dirty console or a master race of PC, everything is relevant. But it must be said: we have all been there. Hell, you may be in the middle of that now, that's why you read this guide.

You have had bad games and your K / D starts to drop and you suffer from the social embarrassment that you believe it represents, so you are looking for a quick and easy solution. What is the magic gun? What is the magic charge? What advantage will make me better? Although we do not have the exact answers to these questions, we will try to help you increase your performance to the point of no longer having to ask them.

So what do you get with Call of Duty: Black Ops 4? Let's start with our first game mode.


The Zombies mode returns once more. For those who do not know it, it's a pseudo-infinite wave mode. You and three other players must fight waves of the undead. Killing the zombies is not only crucial for your individual survival, but also for improving your weapons, as the number of zombies increases along with their health / armor.

Three cards have already been published:

IX – Located in a gladiatorial arena
Travel of Despair – Located on the Titanic
Blood of the Dead – Located in Alcatraz

ActivisionThe player who blows the head of a zombie in Zombies mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

This is the most therapeutic mode, at least in the beginning. It then turns into a panic mode of shooting and reviving his teammates shot. A lot of things happen and with some coordination with his teammates, the victory could be assured. A deep dive into all this will take some time, so for now, let us give you some basic tips.

  • Headshots are crucial, focus on getting them in the first few rounds. You have more time to aim and every little point helps you.
  • Stay together in a group. Do not rush alone and do not let anyone run, especially during subsequent rounds. They will fall and die and then you will have a gun with more zombies in your pursuit.
  • Find the Pack-a-Punch. These are convenient stations that you can use to increase the power of your weapons.
  • Every game needs crafts and Zombies is no exception. Workbenches are used to create weapons and special equipment. Whichever card you play, always be on the lookout for sets but, more importantly, craft items. They appear randomly around the map.


It is odd to think that Battle Royale mode has been at the center of popular consciousness for only two years. Yes, we know that the mode existed before PUBG, but PUBG made it big and Fortnite made it colossal.

So Blackout is a collection of Black Ops cards spread over approximately 16 square kilometers of land. Get off the map from the air and stay inside the descending circle. Collect weapons and equipment that you usually find in buildings, kill others and stay alive.

ActivisionCall of Duty: Black Ops 4Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

There is nothing really new in the basic framework established by PUBG and Fortnite, but the feeling is different because you take a franchise and an engine built on "shooting and shooting corridors" and you stretch the map at most. So, let us give you some tips for this one.

  • There is a lot of health around the map, so be sure to take as much as you can, but pay attention to the trauma kit. It provides 50 extra health points to your original 150.
  • The first round or first wave you want to call when the circle starts to enter is not so bad, so you do not need to panic. Make your way, but do not feel that your life depends on it.
  • Be calm and know when to take your pictures. You have time to aim your head. You do not need to contract everything that fits your vision, as it will also alert others about your position. During large parts of the game, you may feel a lot of silence and isolation, but look at this deadly camera after your death and see where all the other players were and you will realize that there are probably dozens of other players close enough. you. Take a picture when you have an object to hide behind and you can see your environment clearly.


Finally, the Stewart for Call of Duty, the thing that made the franchise. Multiplayer mode. Oh, the anger, the joy and the shouts that this mode has provoked … Friendships have formed and destroyed everything in the viewfinder.

ActivisionCall of Duty: Black Ops 4Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Black Ops 4 continues the pseudo "hero character" called "Specialist". Each specialist is designed with a unique voice and personality, unlike generic multiplayer soldiers from previous games. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • The first big change is about health. Namely, the ability to automatically regenerate health has been removed. Recovery is now administered on a morphine tap with a cooling time. Make sure you keep an eye on it and use it as needed and in a safe environment: the animation could cost you the life. Second, health is capped at 150 to 100, which means that killings take a little longer than in previous matches. So you have more time to turn around and shoot an enemy, but they too.
  • Balance the change and consistency of your load. Do not lose a game and change your sensitivity dramatically. Do it slowly and adjust to a point with which you feel comfortable. It's the same with the class load, especially your firearm. A big change can lead to performance degradation!
  • Play Hardpoint and Domination. They are based on goals, which means that there will be clear areas where the enemies will be. This means fewer chances of enemies appearing randomly behind you, but a chance that either party will be trapped. In addition, Hardpoint and Domination are the fastest way to get XP. These modes will not only bring you experience for killing enemies, but you will also receive an XP bonus for capturing goals.

ActivisionHardpoint Entrance Hall in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

And here is another bonus tip. This may be preaching to the choir, but let's just look at the types of guns so we know clearly how they work and where to use them:

Assault rifle – Average damage. Effective mid-range.
submachine gun – High rate of fire. Deadly at close range.
Tactical rifle – Decent damage to high at mid-distance.
Light machine gun – high rate of fire and major damage. High recoil.
Elite shooter – Large damage. Effective in the long run. Low fire rate. The balls have travel time.
Gun – Decent damage amount at short range. Semi-automatic firing mode.
Shotgun – High flow. More effective at short range.
Launcher – Large damage. Rockets explode around an area. May damage you.

Now is the time for you to put into practice everything you've learned here Good luck!

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