Black Ops 4 gets details about the content after the release, a new trailer of Zombies


With Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Less than a month before the release, the hype for the upcoming sequel reaches a record high. And now, not only do we have the first details about the post-release content, but also a new trailer that you Zombies the fans will love.

Sony posted a new article on the PlayStation Blog today Kevin Kelly, Leader of Activision, talking about some of the content fans can expect from Secret operations before the game's release

First of all, he noted that the content will be exclusive to PlayStation 4 owners of the game for a period of seven days, which is much shorter than the DLC content we've seen in previous games, which have generally received 45-60 day exclusive window.

Activision and Treyarch then have an "active schedule" of scheduled content, including free bonuses for multiplayer, zombie and blackout modes. Although the exact content is not listed, here's what players can expect after October:

  • Nuketown: This favorite fan card returns in November in a brand new take.
  • specialists: The first of several new characters will debut in December.
  • Blackout: The launch day is only the beginning; Blackout will continue to evolve after launch with regular updates to cards, extensions and new Blackout modes.
  • Events: Seasonal, weekly and time-limited events bringing new game modes and content to players.

Keep in mind that this does not include paid content, which will probably add even more cards to the photo. You will have to pay for it separately.

In addition, the new trailer, which you can see above, gives us a good idea of ​​what we can expect from Zombies side of things, including several new campaigns with a number of challenges. The trailer is tuned to Avenged Sevenfold's "Mad Hatter" and features an impressive dose of action that should inspire you.

We will have more details on Black Ops 4 in the coming weeks but the fans have a lot look forward to this time – especially those who spent the past week having a good time in Blackout fashion.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Released Oct. 12 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

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