Black Ops 4 strengthens the competitiveness of Call of Duty


On October 12, over 400,000 Twitch viewers listened to their favorite streamers trying out "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" and its new Battle Royale mode, Blackout. The new entry of Treyarch and Activision in the blockbuster series has abandoned a single-player campaign for its own game mode in the latest ultra-popular 100-player game mode. This change has energized players and fans of the competitive scene before the 2019 season of the Call of Duty World League.

The season, which will begin with the Las Vegas event on December 7, will be the first time in the history of Call of Duty competitions that teams will not play in 4v4. Treyarch announced that "Black Ops 4" would feature 5v5 competitions, a division between 6v6 casual games and 4v4 matches that professional players have always seen.

"The idea is to make sure that the game of casual players is almost identical to that of professional players.The only difference would be the skill level," said Splyce head coach Mark Bryceland. , at ESPN. "In the past, the difference between the number of players has made the game played by casual players at home completely different from what we play." Other sports are built with the same idea that he should to be competitive on the market. "

Treyarch hopes that the change will spark more interest on the competitive stage, although the players and coaches ESPN spoke to are divided. Several claimed that the change would make the league the first place, allowing the top teams to add another star player to their team. Others have said that this could lead to a greater number of talented amateurs getting noticed as new positions emerge.

One point that many players agreed on was how changing the 5-on-5 version could introduce a wider variety of game styles while helping the league prepare for a franchise system that is similar to Overwatch League.

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"One of the key benefits of moving to the 5v5 version is creating new types of lists," said Eric "Muddawg," Operations Director of 100 Thieves in Sanders, ESPN. "The 4v4 tuning and rhythm never allowed two rifle players of the same composition."

The team's traditional compositions consisted of an assault rifle player, one or two machine gunners and a versatile player who can change roles.

"The game in the World League has allowed a long-range rifle player and a combination of machine gunners to put pressure on different parts of the map," Sanders said. "The extra player allows us to add another assault rifle, which should open up the teams to different playing styles. You will probably see some different approaches to how teams are using this new composition."

The teams still have time to determine the type of installation that best suits the 5c5 game before the start of the new season, but the main concern is whether Treyarch will have enough time to solve the mechanical and design issues players with "Black Ops 4".

"Treyarch still has better mechanics than Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer, and their games are the most fluid and fluid," said retired pro Jeremy "Neslo" Olsen. "They take the time to add patches.I think that's why they released this one a month earlier, so give themselves enough time not to post patches three days before major events. "

Players lamented the absence of smoke grenades and EMP, both of which have contributed significantly to the success of previous matches. The specialists, who were a major source of complaints in "Black Ops 3", also came back to cause problems. The players also found that some cards did not work well in a 5v5 environment, even in a mode like search and destroy.

"Some cards do not work in a 5v5 environment," said Anthony "Methodz" Zinni, a FaZe player. "They said that they designed the game accordingly, but that's not always the case."

The official regulation, published on October 26, confirmed 11 different maps between search and destruction rotations, hard point and control. Treyarch has already responded to some concerns by adding a hacienda to the rotating map of the fixed points, which could indicate that they are willing to make many changes by December.

Although no official announcement has been made, some players believe that this change is part of a larger effort to introduce Call of Duty to a wider audience. Rumors that Activision was planning a franchise league for the shooter came from multiple sources since June.

"I think the franchise is on the horizon," said Zinni. "The 5v5 seems to be the norm in all sports, and although I do not think the 5v5 brings more people to the field, the game itself will do it, especially with all these top streamers playing Blackout."

Treyarch's new royal battle mode has sparked a lot of enthusiasm for the franchise, as tens of thousands of viewers have watched the game since its release. "It's more popular than the usual Call of Duty, which has been in decline for a few years," Olsen said. "We also can not act as if it was the flavor of the month since Fortnite is one of the biggest games in history." Activision could easily do with Blackout what Epic does with Fortnite . "

"Blackout also solves a problem that a lot of players have since you can spread it easily," added Olsen. "You can not listen to practice continuously and you have to create content."

Treyarch has not yet announced any competitive support for Blackout, even though unofficial events have occurred since the game's release. Nevertheless, players and community members believe that the competitive Blackout is a foregone conclusion. "If Blackout became a sports sport, I think he will live alongside the regular game, I think it will be an ally," Sanders said. "Whatever it is, Blackout is a good thing for the game. It increases the baseline of" Black Ops 4 "simply by making Twitch's one, its effect is only positive."

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