Black Ops 4 Teases New Nuketown Card


Call of Duty's The famous map of Nuketown makes its appearance again in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 with the card taking on a new look that Treyarch teased on Tuesday.

Treyarch gave people a first glimpse of the new version of Nuketown by sharing an image of the Nuketown panel in a tweet, the same type of panel that used in all variants of the Nuketown map. This time however, the sign is covered with snow and the text of the tweet indicates that Black Ops 4 The version of Nuketown will be installed in an icy Russian environment. The tweet translates to "Come back to visit us … for the first time here," followed by the Nuketown hashtag.

Nuketown coming back in Black Ops 4 This should not come as a surprise since it is a map that has been redone and reissued in Treyarch format. Call of Duty games since its first appearance as a playable card, but it will be the first time people will see it so coldly. The map was also visibly missing from the list of multiplayer maps of Black Ops 4 this was revealed a few days ago with "Nuketown" not found on this list. This list dealt with cards that would be ready in multiplayer mode at launch, although Nuketown is already known to be a card to be released later in November after the release of the game. Treyarch confirmed it in a blog post on the game that describes the new version of Nuketown as a "brand new rendition of this favorite fan map" that should arrive in November for all players.

Although the Nuketown card for multiplayer game mode is not available until November, players always have at least one other version of the game. Secret operations card to enjoy before the Russian frees. Apart from the multiplayer part of the game, the Royal Blackout Battle game mode with its huge map contains different versions of Secret Operations & # 39; most memorable cards. Shooting ranges, fields, etc., can be spotted on the map, with Nuketown becoming its own location and becoming an island for the first time. The aptly named Nuketown Island was one of the hotspots for players during the Blackout Beta. Many people gravitate around this different but familiar location. So it's probably still a disputed place when the game is launched.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 launches on October 12th.

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