Black Ops 4 Update Improves Network Performance


Although Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Treyarch has stopped making adjustments to the game so that he is performing better overall. And that includes working a weekend.

Call of Duty

In the Black Ops 4 Reddit channel, the developer has released a new update, which has just come online this weekend and that includes a number of fixes. You can find all the details of the post below:

"Today we brought a minor update to the game, which includes stability improvements in all modes, including fixes for some zombie crashes. We are also studying specific bugs and other issues raised by the Zombie community and will be following up in the coming days.

We brought the following updates to the game (Global):

  • General
    • Various
      • Attacked a crash at the end of games for Master Prestige players in multiplayer and zombies. We anticipate further enhancements for related UI issues in a future update.
      • General improvements in stability in all modes.
  • Zombies
    • Various
      • Prevention of a crash when making the shield with the frugal fetish equipped.
      • Various stability fixes on all cards.
    • Blood of the dead
      • Fixed a problem with the shield that did not display the correct update version for the drive.
    • Classified
      • Fixed a crash when turning on a match in custom mutations.
  • Blackout
    • Looting stash
      • Fixed issue where players had to scroll to the right or left of the touchpad several times to navigate through the Stash lists.
    • Circle Collapse
      • Resolution of a problem where the circle of collapse sometimes seemed invisible to players.
  • Multiplayer
    • Dashboard
      • Fixed a problem highlighting the bad score on the dashboard if the dashboard was open immediately after death.
    • specialists
      • Jumping while sprinting with Ruin now performs the same thing as with all the other specialists.

We also saw many discussions about network performance over the past few days and wanted to take a moment to talk about it directly. We are constantly working on game optimization, especially network performance, to ensure that players have the highest quality online experience. For a game launch with a population as large as ours and touching as many global servers at once, we configure our infrastructure to ensure game stability is a top priority.

Now that we have gone beyond the initial launch of the game, we are focused on optimizing network performance around the world, using the real data we have collected. Over the next two weeks, we will be deploying several network configuration updates that will continue to improve the experience of our players since their launch. As we have always said, the launch is only the beginning, and we are determined to make Black Ops 4 the best supported game we've ever delivered. This trip will require constant adjustments, improvements and additions. We appreciate your continued support and patience – thank you! "

We will keep you informed of the changes made. Hopefully, they are still working on this reoccurrence problem (where other players can make the jump on you when you enter the map).

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

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