Blackout Blackout Patch 4 Fixes Feedback Issues


In case you do not know, the beta version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout (try to say it five times faster) for the PlayStation 4 is already well advanced. And, like any beta game or mode, it's crawling with bugs, not arthropods. The beta allowed developer Treyarch to focus on the potentially disturbing problems of Blackout mode, all thanks to the eagle eyes of the players.

Earlier today, Treyarch published a post on the Black Ops 4 subroutine that thanked the players for their comments, gave an update on the status of the beta and included several patch notes . The first problem addressed in the post is level 3 armor. A glitch made it insensitive to explosive damage, essentially giving players the equivalent of a suit made from stoves. PUBG brand frying pans. Not only did Treyarch armor the armor to make it less blast resistant (and common), but the studio also decided to reevaluate the Level 2 armor as a precaution.

Treyarch has also modified a sniper rifle in the Black Ops 4 beta. Apparently, players can aim a little too fast with the Koshka sniper rifle, so the company has slowed it down. And, as for the armor, this correction convinced Treyarch to aim at the vapr thanks to its popularity. However, weapons and armor were not the only items on the Treyarch list to correct. The system responsible for distributing articles in the gaming world was balanced; Players can now take items faster and the Equip Fast menu automatically closes after 5 seconds of no-interaction.

The equipment was not the only issue of concern to the players and Treyarch. According to the post, the players complained that the Blackout mode zombies had oversized arms. No, not literally, but zombies could attack players further than expected. Although Treyarch still has no solution to this problem, he promises a patch is in progress. In addition, players can not maneuver properly on ladders, especially they can not move backward. While the developers are working on this certainly hilarious problem, the fix will probably not be published in the beta. Similarly, Treyarch tries to spot all the problems where the game does not credit players, and the studio does not have an ETA yet on this fix.

These are just a few examples of Treyarch's changes to Call of Duty beta: Black Ops 4 Blackout. Players can expect more updates as the beta continues, and with luck, the company will have fixed all Blackout mode bugs in time for the release of the game on October 12th. However, as the beta is only available on the PlayStation 4, we have no idea if the Xbox One and PC versions of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will perform as well on release.

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