Blackout Guide Blackout – Tips for Battle Royale Beginners to Know Before You Begin


Games at the Battle Royale gained popularity last year through PlayerUnknown's battlegrounds and reached new heights with Fortnite. From now on, the Call of Duty franchise is launched in the fray with the new Blackout mode of Black Ops 4, which you can read in our article on Black Ops 4. If you have not experienced the Royal Battle for yourself, but if you plan to go to Black Ops 4, this is for you. We will review some of the basic principles of fashion and explain how Call of Duty gives it its own twist.

Battle Royale 101

First of all, you can participate in matches as a solitary wolf, with a partner (duo) or in a team of four (quads); you will be paired with up to 100 players who will choose the same group size option. Each player hovers over the map in the same trajectory – visualized when you reassemble the map – and you decide when and where to drop. When exiting the helicopter, you deploy your wingsuit and you can slide horizontally to go further or lower your head to descend more quickly.

The overall goal is to be the last player or team to come forward because everyone has a life, making combat games much more tense and risky than Call of Duty's traditional multiplayer mode. Now more than ever, you must be aware of your environment. or a teammate watches your back. Also do not forget that you can revive your teammates when they fall, but make sure you do it before they bleed or that they no longer suffer damage from their enemies .

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Another fundamental element of the royal battle is the imminent pressure of a murderous circle approaching the battlefield. Each circle corresponds to the contraction of the circle on a random area of ​​the map and it becomes smaller as the game progresses to force the remaining players to fight. If you are caught outside the circle, you will suffer damage until you can enter the security zone.

A huge map to cross

The Blackout card is much wider than any previous Call of Duty card as it has to accommodate 100 players. However, with the size of the card, this also induces a slower step; so expect a lot of time to stop between meetings. This change of pace may take some time for Call of Duty veterans, but it also contributes to the high-stakes nature of fighting in royal battle games, since a small mistake can cost you a full match.

The Blackout map includes 14 concentrated areas, many of which pay tribute to old Black Ops cards. For example, Nuketown Island, Estate and Array will look like the multiplayer maps that have been named to them. The in-between of these main sites is dotted with small towns and groups of buildings that may have valuable loot. But most of the land consists of large forest areas and open fields. So be careful when crossing different places, as fights can occur at any time.

The complete map in Blackout mode.
The complete map in Blackout mode.

Fortunately, vehicles are littering the map. An ATV does not provide much protection, but it can move two players from point A to point B fast enough. The cargo truck can hold up to five players and does not leave the team vulnerable, but it advances rather slowly. Crossing the river that divides the middle of the map is quite easy with a zodiacal boat that can accommodate up to four players. And unlike most battle royals, Blackout offers air transport via a five-seat helicopter in total. This is not the only means of air travel, however; You can deploy your combination by sprinting, jumping from a building and holding the jump button.

Loot your load

You start every game with nothing in your inventory and have to loot all your gear – a stark contrast to the Call of Duty tradition of letting players customize their loads. You are allowed to carry two weapons and to search for the appropriate type of ammunition for each of them as well. The following is a list of all the weapons available to loot in Blackout:

  • guns: Strife, Mozu
  • SMG: SAUG-9mm, MX9, GKS, Spitfire, Cordite
  • Shotguns: MOG 12, SG12
  • Assault rifles: KN-57, ICR-7, VAPR-XKG, Maddox RFB, Rampart 17
  • Tactical rifles: DMR Swordfish Auger, ABR 223, Essex Model 07
  • Sniper rifles: Koshka, Paladin HB50
  • LMG: Titan
  • explosives: War machine, Hellion Salvo
  • Zombie weapons: Ray Gun, Galil, MP-40, Zweihander

Attachments are essential to get the most out of your guns. A riflescope or a 4x telescope will be delivered to the clutch for accurate shots with ADS, and a handle or butt will help control your recoil, but you must retrieve these items and put them on your gun. . Zombie weapons add a twist to combat, which can be found in zombie stores after killing hordes of AI-controlled zombies at certain places on the map, such as the asylum . Even the most devious articles end up in Blackout, like the Ray Gun, the Monkey Bomb, the Acid Bomb and the RC car (though that does not explode). Look for the blue tags that glow in the sky, because they indicate where you can get your hands on these rare items.

Inventory management in blackout mode.
Inventory management in blackout mode.

You will also need to loot the armor in Blackout; there are three levels and each offers better protection (level 3 armor is the only one that protects head shots). Backpacks open five additional item slots, which is convenient later in a game to plunder more useful material. And it goes without saying that it is also important to store health items. first aid and medical kits heal 25 and 50 respectively. The trauma kits will heal you completely and temporarily heal you for an additional 50 health points.

Watch for supply crates that fall randomly on the map during the entire game you are likely to find high level loot, but creates a hot spot for enemies.

The advantages of Call of Duty

Another interesting aspect is that Blackout's version of royal battle also includes the well-known Perks system, which acts as a consumable item on the map. Each benefit has a specific effect, limit of use and duration. While some may be more helpful than others, it is important to know what your equipped advantage does, as it can make the difference between life and death, especially in the most effective situations. The following is a list of the benefits and what they do:

  • Consciousness: Stronger steps of the enemy. (Usage: 2, Duration: 2 minutes)
  • brawler: Increases melee damage and gains 50 life for each melee attack. (Usage: 1, Duration: 4 minutes)
  • Consumer: Health and consumables objects activate 50% faster. (Usage: 1, Duration: 5 minutes)
  • A death silence: Quiet movement and less noise when opening the covers. (Usage: 2, Duration: 4 minutes)
  • Engineer: Reveal all nearby vehicles and enemy equipment. (Usage: 2, Duration: 4 minutes)
  • Iron lungs: Regular aiming with gunshots and increased breathing time under water. (Usage: 2, Duration: 5 minutes)
  • Medical: Health articles and the team relaunch to restore more health and with faster activation. (Usage: 2, Duration: 4 minutes)
  • Mobility: The movement and the change of weapon are faster, shoot and use objects during the sprint, move fast during reloading. Fall damage is canceled. (Usage: 2, Duration: 5 minutes)
  • Pillard: Reveal loot and hide nearby. (Usage: 3, Duration: 2 minutes)
  • Outlander: Take less damage and move faster out of the safe zone. (Usage: 2, Duration: 3 minutes)
  • reinforced: Reduces the damage of explosion and fire. Reduce the effectiveness of razor wire, sparkle collars and concussion grenades. (Usage: 3, Duration: 4 minutes)
  • skulker: Faster squatting and lying motion. (Usage: 3, Duration: 3 minutes)
  • Stimulating: Increases the ceiling of life by 100. (Usage: 2, Duration 3 minutes)
  • Team link: Teammates visible through the walls. (Usage: 2, Duration: 2 minutes)
  • Paranoia: Audio clues for when you are targeted by an enemy via ADS. (Usage: 2, Duration: 4 minutes)

Black Ops 3 has introduced Specialists, unique characters offering a variety of ways to play the game with their own attributes and abilities – much like a hero shooter. Although you can choose to play as a Blackout specialist, the equipment that was once bound to them is now an object found on the ground. These abilities – such as razor wire, mesh mines and grappling hooks – are hard to come by, but they can give you a big advantage if you use them in the right situation.


Here are the basics for playing the Blackout mode of Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Veterans of the Royal Battle may know how the rules work, but the equipment system and the map remain elements to experiment and explore through you -even. The most important thing to do is to play more and more games to get an idea of ​​how Call of Duty takes into account the royal battleflows. And now that you know where you are going, go to the next step and check out our Blackout Beginner's Guide.

For a better comparison, see how Blackout, Fortnite and PUBG differ from each other. We spent a lot of time with the game and worked to reach a verdict on it, but take a look at our preliminary impressions of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 in the meantime.

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