Blackout Ops 4 Battle Royal Card Blackout unveiled


Call of Duty tweeted an image of the Blackout card. Blackout is the new royal battle mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

Blackout is the largest battleground in the history of Call of Duty and is structured as a combination of PlayerUnknown's Erangel and Miramar Battlegrounds cards. The northern and western regions are covered with forests, hills, bridges and paved roads, while the east and the south are rugged desert areas. A winding river divides the two regions, with a large lake at one end and an ocean at the other. Nuketown Island is the only landmass in the ocean, connected to the mainland by two bridges.

Like PUBG, the main landmarks and cities are clearly marked on the map. It is in these places that you will probably find the best loot and the other players. The collections of houses and small towns line the landscape between the main points. A large majority of the largest landmarks appear on half of the map, while most of the desert is dotted with singular buildings. You will probably find better equipment and more fights in the north and west, while the east and the south offer good places to keep up while other players go on. .

The beta version of Blackout will be launched on PS4 on September 10 before going out on Xbox One and PC on September 14th. During the beta, Blackout matches will support 80 players, but their final numbers have not been confirmed.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will be launched on October 12 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The game tackles the stories in a new way this time and abandons the traditional single player campaign for a collection of solo stories focused on the specialists.

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