Blizzard Address Diablo rumors before the BlizzCon 2018


The BlizzCon 2018 is approaching and this year it looks like we are getting more ads related to Diablo compared to the previous year. Blizzard had previously confirmed that they had several Diablo projects in the works that we think we will hear about during the event, and recent speculation has even suggested we could hear about Diablo 4.

Unfortunately, it seems that Diablo 4 might not be announced at BlizzCon, or at least that's what Blizzard is referring to. The company recently wrote a blog post in which it seems to be trying to moderate expectations about the upcoming event. Although they do not deny it frankly and deny it, they certainly seem to imply that Diablo 4 will be a defeat to the event.

According to Blizzard, "It's a very exciting time. We currently have several teams working on different Diablo projects and we can not wait to tell you everything. . . when the time has come We know what many of you are hoping for and we can only say that "good things go to those who wait", but bad things often take longer. We appreciate your patience as our teams work tirelessly to create nightmarish experiences worthy of the Lord of Terror. "

We still do not know what will be revealed, but we imagine that Blizzard may want to talk more about Diablo 3 on the Nintendo Switch. Rumors have also circulated about the launch of an animated Diablo series on Netflix. Maybe we'll learn more about it. Anyway, avoid hope for the moment, but we should have more details in the coming weeks.

Deposit Thu. Learn more about Blizzard, Blizzcon, Blizzcon 2018 and Diablo.

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