Blizzard associates with Nerf for the official Overwatch blaster


Blizzard has announced an upcoming nerve for some of the weapons of Overwatch but that is not what the players are waiting for. The developer of the game is associated with the toy maker Hasbro to launch official Nerf pistols Overwatch starting with the favorite Edgelord double rifle. Nicknamed the "Rival Nerf Overwatch Reaper Wight Edition," the toy blaster is designed to resemble Reaper's Hellfire hunting rifles, but painted in white rather than the character's standard black.

a spring mechanism, a ready indicator and even a safety lock. It can hold up to eight rounds of Nerf's Rival (foam balls), and can shoot them up to 90 feet per second.

Unfortunately for the fans of Overwatch and the Nerf Warriors, the Reaper blaster Hasbro won will be available until sometime in 2019, and Hasbro is silent about the prices for it. ; moment. Seeing how the Nerf version almost perfectly imitates the appearance of the weapon in the game, it could prove to be a popular option for Reaper cosplayers, assuming it's not too much expensive. Once again, they should always buy two for a specific look.

It is said that this is the first version of the official line Overwatch Nerf, although we do not know when we will see the next weapon or what character it will be. Tracer pistols or Soldier 76's self-rifle seem to be safe bets for Nerf's adaptation, but they might surprise us and go get Hanzo's bow or rocket launcher from Pharah.

SOURCE Blizzard

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