Blizzard details upcoming PvP changes in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, including War Mode


The next World of Warcraft expansion, Battle for Azeroth, will be launched on August 14 and will bring new dungeons, raids, progression systems and, perhaps, new PvPvE Island Expeditions, which could be a refreshing alternative to dungeon. It also brings great changes to PvP, including a talent shuffle, a new War mode and a bounty hunter system, which Blizzard detailed in a blog post this week.

The new Talent System is designed to encourage customization. to stop your first forays into PvP becoming too overwhelming. In Legion, the latest expansion, you gain talent by earning levels of honor, which you get by participating in PvP. It "puts players looking to enter PvP for the first time at a disadvantage until they win the tools that everyone already has," Blizzard said.

In Battle for Azeroth, PvP talent will simply become available as you progress. At level 20, you'll gain a "special crowd control talent," and at level 110, you'll unlock all the talents. The system is also more flexible: in Legion, PvP talents are arranged in rows of three, so you can only choose one at each level. In Battle For Azeroth, you will be able to choose all the talents you like in a large pool. "This system offers more options to customize your character to suit your playing style or environment," Blizzard said.

War Mode is Blizzard's attempt to make PvP more open. If you activate it, which you will be able to do at level 20, you can jump in PvP from any realm, and you will only play with other players who want to play in it. War mode. The idea is to prevent players from feeling "locked up" in a kingdom style – every kingdom can now be in PvP or PvE, depending on what you want at that moment. In War mode, you'll have access to all your PvP skills wherever PvP can occur, and you'll also have an added benefit of experiencing gains as you progress to reflect the "additional danger of other players".

War Mode features will be specific to new zones added in Battle for Azeroth. The first is a bounty hunter system. If you kill a number of players from the opposite faction – the Horde or the Alliance – you will get the "Assassin's" status, which gives you 15% more damage and healing. But the more players you kill, the more likely you will appear on the zone map for other players, and if they kill you, they will receive Conquest points and other rewards.

The new zones will also have airdrops that factions will fight for. Once a faction has taken control of a crate, any player in the area will be able to open it to retrieve a personal loot.

If you can not wait for Battle for Azeroth, then I suggest you read the full blog, which contains a ton of details. The extension is out on August 14, but a pre-patch will introduce changes before that.

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