Blizzard Entertainment sees more mobile games


Diablo Immortal is just the tip of the iceberg for new Blizzard Entertainment mobile businesses.

After the revelation of Diablo Immortal At BlizzCon Friday, I had the opportunity to talk to Blizzard founder Allen Adham, who is currently the executive producer of the incubation, about the recently announced mobile gaming and the possibility of other franchises. of Blizzard benefit from mobile processing.

Adham has not confirmed the presence of new mobile games, but he pointed out however that the company was interested in creating more mobile games, even though more and more non-advertised projects were being produced.

"We are excited to imagine taking all our IP addresses [intellectual properties] Adham said, "In some cases, it will be totally new games. home – a total reinvention of a new type of game using IP Warcraft. In some cases this could be – as we have shown with Diablo Immortal – a similar type of game but different and unrelated to the main game franchise. "

Kill demons on the go.

Kill demons on the go.

Image: entertainment blizzard

Blizzard's first foray into the mobile market has been home, which appeared on PC and Mac in March 2014, then on iOS and Android in April and December of the same year. Diablo Immortal will be his second when he launches.

"We see this as another special platform in his own way"

Adham noted that as the phones improved, it was possible for his mobile games to connect to his desktop and console games.

"It's also easy for us to imagine games in the future that are directly related to cross-play and perhaps cross-progression," he said. "I think you can expect, in the coming years, a lot of interesting things in the mobile space."

The idea that Blizzard ventures further into the mobile is not so far-fetched. Although some consider Blizzard as a developer focused primarily on PC games, the company's story shows that this is not really the case.

"We have been creating games for almost three decades and we have created them in this story on many different platforms," ​​said Adham. "At first it was the Amigas and Commodore 64, then the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis, and we see this as another special platform in its own way."

Of course, it is not because Blizzard creates mobile games that they have finished creating games for consoles and desktops. Adham clearly explained that with Diablo in particular, several teams were working on several Diablo games.

Part of the reason Diablo Immortal has now been revealed because smartphone technology has come to a point where it's actually possible to have a game like Diablo well represented on mobile. From the demo I played at BlizzCon, Diablo Immortal plays very well and is even better than 2012 Diablo III.

& # 39; Immortal Diablo & # 39; looks great on mobile.

& # 39; Immortal Diablo & # 39; looks great on mobile.

Image: entertainment blizzard

Just watch games like Fortnite they are about as good as they are on mobile phones, desktops or consoles.

Not only that, but more and more people are playing games on their phones. Blizzard developers are also players, and many of them spend more time playing mobile games. They would be interested in developing something for mobile devices.

"Our pipeline is richer and larger than ever"

"Internally, we're kind of reflecting our own audience," Adham said. "As players, many of us have spent our time playing a simple PC or console now spend a lot of time on mobile.I am about 50/50 on my desk and my mobile, and so the idea that we can bring[[[[Diablo Immortal]and, as we have seen, mobile phones are becoming more and more loyal, we thought a few years ago that it was time to create a Diablo experience that you could hold in your hand ".

As for how new games like Diablo Immortal Adham explained how Blizzard's approach to design and its big teams can bring these new ideas to life.

Blizzard has five development teams in Irvine, each with 100 to 300 people. These teams also have the opportunity to take elements of these teams and create new projects.

The name of Adham fell World of Warcraft game director Tom Chilton and Hero of the Storm / StarCraft Game Director Dustin Browder is now working on new projects for Blizzard.

"Today we have more new products under development and our product portfolio is richer and larger than ever before in our three decades of history," said Adham. "But good things are coming."

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