Blizzard is rewriting fragments of Warcraft III to better integrate with World of Warcraft


Arthas has always been the Lich King!

The fans were stunned after the announcement made yesterday by Warcraft III: Reforged. Blizzard did not just remind that Warcraft was once a strategy game, but they went much further in updating the classic than last year StarCraft: remastered. This could almost be considered a remake of the quality of textures and cinematics in progress. This retouch however goes beyond the aesthetic.

As reported by Polygon, Blizzard's Brian Souza and Pete Stillwell explained the upcoming changes reforged in a post-presentation interview. The biggest ad is that reforged will be compatible with the original version of Warcraft III. Even maps and mods developed by the community will work with the new remaster. You will not need to buy the new version to play online either, although this will obviously allow you to benefit from more modern visuals.

Stillwell explained the difference between that and StarCraft: remastered. "When we went to Korea[for[for[pour[forStarCraft: Remastered]and we talked to professionals and people who still play in game rooms, the overwhelming comments were: "Please, do not change the game.[[[[Warcraft III: Reforged]we talked with communities in Europe and China [who say]"Hey, we do not think this game is over." "

To this end, Blizzard will introduce a wide range of balance adjustments and will even expand the options available in the game 's publisher. In a move that will likely be controversial, Blizzard is also working with the game. writer Christie Golden (famous for Warcraft novels) to refine aspects of Warcraft III history to follow online with established World of Warcraft traditions.

This gesture aims to give "a renewed attention to some central characters who deserve in our opinion a little more time in front of the spotlight", as said Stillwell. Stillwell then mentions characters like Jaina and Sylvanas, whose roles in the initial campaign were rather meager. He even evoked the Murloc creatures, who were essentially a refined enemy before becoming an entire race in World of Warcraft.

"Many things in Warcraft III was just sort of put in 'Hey, is not it great? It's cool, said Stillwell. "Like the Murlocs, for example, one of the artists of the day, he came this weekend because he felt that there must be more goose bumps on the cards." Murloc.

Along with this, some of the landscapes of Warcraft III will feature a more defined architecture to better capture what World of Warcraft has to offer. The biggest can be seen in the trailer for the "The Culling" mission, which features a Stratholme more in tune with the popular MMO than the original. Stillwell specifically mentions that Stratholme originally had Greek columns and a small river that did not make much sense for the village.

Whether or not these changes are what you want, that's another matter. I'm not sure what I feel about rewriting pieces of whole traditions, how World of Warcraft was built from Warcraft III and not the opposite. I guess it would be interesting to see this story expand, but nothing in WoW directly contradicts the classic RTS. It just seems a bit of interference to better justify the nickname "Reforged".

At the same time, the classic Warcraft III do not go anywhere. reforged is based on that and although the balances updates are consistent with the original, players will still be able to access this version in all its splendor of 2002. You can already start it in HD thanks to a fix dating from this year . So it's not like Blizzard is asking you to upgrade to the new version.

Overall, I do not really know what to think about it. I am always very excited since I love Warcraft III. These adjustments may well become uncontrollable, and that would not be good.

Warcraft 3: Reforged is more than a remaster of the classic RTS Blizzard [Polygon]

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