Blizzard is working on several mobile games on all our IPs.


You may have heard that Diablo Immortal's revelation at BlizzCon has not been very satisfying. People were really unhappy with the announcement of Diablo Immortal as a mobile game, despite the fact that Blizzard had warned everyone, several weeks in advance, that Diablo 4 was probably not going to be there. Despite this welcome, it does not seem that Blizzard is ready to take a step back from the development of mobile gaming. In fact, Blizzard's co-founder, Allen Adham, said at a press conference after the announcement (via YouTube's Korean channel 빌런 하텍) that Diablo Immortal was only one. beginning.

"In the last few years, many of us have moved from computer-based reading to mobile-time reading, and many of our top developers are working on new mobile titles on all of our IP addresses. "They use external partners such as Diablo Immortal, many of which are developed internally and we will have information to share on those to come," said Adham.

"I will also say that at Blizzard, the number of new products in development is higher than our history and our future is very promising."

Adham said that Blizzard had decided to create a mobile version of Diablo (and, I suppose, other games that have not been announced yet), because mobile technology now allows a similar degree of loyalty to that of games for PC and console. It's also an opportunity to introduce Diablo to "a much wider audience in the world" and to young players from North America, many of whom play mostly on their phones.

But he also assured the core of players that they are not left behind.

"However, we will say that for our hardcore PC fans, we still have several Diablo teams working on several unannounced Diablo projects, so we have not forgotten them," said Adham. "The future is promising, stay tuned."

Thank you, USgamer.

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