Blizzard pipes downstream from Diablo 4 reveal rumors unlikely to appear at BlizzCon


In the past two years, BlizzCon's preparation has paved the way for a new round of rumors regarding the announcement of Diablo 4. And rumors are again relevant this year, of course, but this time Here, they were motivated by fairly convincing evidence: the publication of the floor plan of the BlizzCon exhibition hall.

Unlike the configuration of the BlizzCon 2017, Diablo should occupy this year a large and central area of ​​the convention center. In the meantime, shortly after the opening ceremony, a panel dedicated to the future of Diablo is planned.

But that does not mean that Diablo 4 arrives: indeed, a new Blizzard post blog strongly suggests that this is not the case.

"The BlizzCon 2018 is almost here and we've seen a lot of rumors circulating about our plans for Diablo at the show," reads the message. "It's a very exciting time, we currently have several teams working on different Diablo projects and we can not wait to tell you more about it … when the time comes."

The post continues to gently insinuate that a new Diablo will not be announced at Blizzccon, but that other lesser ills are waiting for it. "We know what many of you are hoping for, and we can only say that" good things come to those who are waiting ", but bad things often take longer, and we thank you for your patience as our teams work tirelessly to create nightmare experiences worthy of the Lord of Terror. "

The publication then mentions the release of Diablo 3 on Nintendo Switch, which will coincide with the first day of BlizzCon. But there will be other news related to Diablo: it is quite unlikely that it relates to a new game.

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