Blizzard Prohibits Third-Party "Overwatch" Statistical Applications


"Recently, we've been studying third-party apps designed to be used while playing Eve and we would like to reiterate which of these applications are not allowed in Eve, "the community leader, Tom Powers, wrote in a forum message." For clarity, any third party application that impairs the competitive integrity of Eve is not allowed. For example, a third-party application offering users information such as enemy position, enemy health, use of enemy capabilities or ultimate preparation creates an uneven playing field for all the other players on the map. "

Although he did not mention Visor or Pursuit specifically in the message, Blizzard sent an email to the players who had used these services. He said that if it will not penalize Blizzard or Eve account for the moment, "the continued use of unauthorized third-party programs will result in actions against your account, including a permanent ban".

Visor uses artificial intelligence to analyze your gameplay in real time and offers instant feedback while you play, as if to inform you how fast the healers on your team are dying in fights and predict when the final abilities of enemies will be ready. The chase tracks your stats and takes snapshots while you play, and provides you with information once your match is over.

Blizzard's decision could have an impact Eve at the professional level. The pursuit, for example, has in partnership With the finalists of the season 1 of Overwatch League, Philadelphia Fusion, the competitor of the Contenders Angry Titans and several teams of the World Cup. Visor has also worked with the Overwatch League teams while developing his tool. Some figures of the pro Eve scene, like Dallas Fuel and Team Canada coach Justin "Jayne" Conroy, have criticized the decision.

Visor and Pursuit stated on their respective Discord channels that warnings sent to Blizzard Eve the players were unexpected. In the case of Pursuit, "our partnerships with OWL and World Cup teams have involved Blizzard's approval." Both companies said they contacted Blizzard, probably hoping to resolve the situation.

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