Blizzard reacts to a violent reaction from fans following the announcement of the immortal Diablo


Diablo fans are not happy. During the BlizzCon weekend, Blizzard announced a brand new Diablo game, but it was not the one fans were waiting for or hoping for.

Diablo Immortal is a mobile Diablo game, developed in collaboration with the Chinese company NetEase, known for its work on several other mobile games like Identity V. Since then, the Diablo community has been in a tumult; Just take a look at the subreddit of the game to see that fans are not happy with the announcement of the latter, saying that it could be the death of the popular franchise because Blizzard seems to be disconnected from his community .

Since then, Blizzard has dealt with the reaction of fans and negative reactions, and has responded via an interview with Kotaku.

According to the interview, Blizzard's co-founder, Allen Adham, admits that the company was expecting negative reactions following the announcement of Diablo Immortal, but certainly "not at this point". Adham said that it was a "custom built" game, and that all the art and assets had been created solely for Diablo Immortal.

On top of that, Adham also reassured fans that although the company did not announce the long-awaited and anticipated Diablo IV, Blizzard has several teams working on several Diablo projects, which suggests that the next game Diablo will be presented to the public. still in development.

Diablo Immortal is about to come out for mobile devices, although it does not have a release date for the game yet.

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