Blizzard remains open to bring Overwatch to Nintendo Switch


In a recent interview with Eurogamer, Blizzard said he remained open to the idea of ​​making Overwatch to the Nintendo switch. This month alone, Blizzard has entered the world of Nintendo Switch with one of its biggest titles in the last 6 years. Diablo III Eternal Collection. Since the official announcement of the title by Blizzard, the question was in everyone's mind. What other titles could the famous gaming studio bring to the Nintendo Switch?

After talking with the Overwatch game director, Jeff Kaplan, about the idea of ​​cross-media support, Eurogamer made him understand the idea of ​​bringing the favorite hero shooter to the Nintendo Switch and whether the studio has explored this avenue. Kaplan stated the following:

"Our philosophy has always been that we want as many players as possible to play at Overwatch, and we want to reach as many players as possible. We will always explore a platform if we think we can make it viable – both technologically and commercially. We would like to do it. "

No plans for the moment

He said they had no "Nintendo or Switch project" yet, but were "very open-minded" about the opportunity. So there you have it. If you're a fan of the famous hero shooter, the game's release has not been closed on Nintendo Switch. It would be an exciting title to play with friends. Hope that open-mindedness materializes!

Are you a fan of Overwatch? Would you like to see the game on the Nintendo Switch console? Are there any other Blizzard games you would like to see coming on Nintendo Switch? Diablo III is a six-year-old game, so none of Blizzard's previous catalogs is necessarily out of the question. We would like to know your opinion on all this in the comments below!

Source: Eurogamer

Blizzard remains open to bring Overwatch to Nintendo Switch was last modified: November 11, 2018 by Chris Hinton

Accountant by day, passionate about night video games. Somewhere in between, I am a husband, a father and, in general, a giant child-man. If a game is a matter of action, it's a safe bet that I play it. I started devastating the virtual worlds as a young man on old Atari and I have not stopped since.

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