Blizzard says it's a question of "when, not if" they implement the multi-platform game of Diablo III on consoles


Forcing Sony to do it, Blizzard

We have not entered a delicate period where Sony, the father of the war console, says that you can only play with certain friends. But we were all children once, and Sony is not our father: we want to play with who we want.

Let's clarify this metaphor. Sony has been the mainstay of the multiplatform console playing this generation by mile. Microsoft was to blame in the past – but that's quite the case in the past – when they opened their floodgates several years ago and they even teamed up directly with Nintendo, Apple and Google to allow the multiplication of platforms. Minecraft. The same Minecraft which boasts of tens of millions of users per month.

Last month, Sony gave in, but not so much. Their compromise? They will do a "beta test" of just Fortnite cross-platform game. All the other studios seem to be left to their own devices, because they can not do anything until Sony allows it. So now we are back!

Blizzard does not have any of that. Sending to Business Insider, a representative responded that "it's a question of when, if not," the feature will make it on the consoles. In other words, if they are as confident, they have already convinced Sony to allow cross-play or have taken extra time to implement it. Will this happen before the launch of Diablo III on the switch? We have no idea, but it would certainly be a considerable advantage.

The next time Sony tells you that you can not play cross-play, just let it do it.

Diablo 3 [Business Insider]

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