Blizzard shot Diablo 4 ad from BlizzCon


Concept art of Immortal Diablo
Image: Blizzard

When the only blizzard Diablo The announcement at this year's BlizzCon turned out to be a game for phones, it triggered a storm of angry reactions from fans who had hoped for a new Diablo on PC. As it turns out, Kotaku learned, Blizzard had originally planned to tease Diablo 4but shot those plans at the last minute.

According to two people familiar with Blizzard's plans, the initial plan for BlizzCon 2018 was for Blizzard to announce mobile gaming Diablo Immortal and then end with a video in which company co-founder Allen Adham told the audience that a good Diablo 4 was in development but not yet ready to be shown. Instead, in the keynote address last Friday, Blizzard revealed Diablo Immortal to a quiet and uncomfortable crowd, and then finished the show. For most of the weekend, Diablo As a result, fans have been raging online, expressing their anger on YouTube and various forums. The controversy had several reasons, but the determining factor was that the company's only company Diablo the ad was a game that seemed to be made for a very different audience than the hardcore one Diablo Fans.

The reactions could have been very different. Blizzard has changed his BlizzCon plans for Diablo In the last two weeks, have said these people familiar with what was happening at Blizzard. One of those people told me that the Diablo The team was not ready to commit to an announcement yet, Diablo 4 in the last four years and could continue to evolve. (We have heard that it has happened at least twice under different administrators.)

Blizzard said he did not immediately comment on this story.

On October 17th, two weeks before BlizzCon, Blizzard published a blog post that basically told fans Diablo 4 was in the works but would not be at the show. "It's a very exciting time. We currently have several teams working on different Diablo projects and we can not wait to tell you everything. . . in a timely manner, "said the company. "We know what many of you are hoping for and we can only say that" good things go to those who wait ", but bad things often take longer.

But even after minimizing expectations, according to Blizzard, Blizzard was still trying to assure fans that Diablo 4 was in development, until these plans changed.

Diablo III launched in May 2012, and its first and only expansion, Mower of souls, followed in March 2014. Since then, new updates are rare, with a new patch of casual content arriving sporadically and a pack of Necromancer characters in 2017. Last Friday Diablo III also came to the Nintendo Switch.

Blizzard publicly assured his fans that he had several Diablo games in development. One of them is the game that fans are waiting for, and it was announced almost last week.

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