BMW is the last automaker to present its own embedded voice assistant


Next year, owners of some late-model BMWs will be able to turn on their HVAC system, adjust the lights or change the radio without lifting a finger. Today, the German car manufacturer has announced the launch of a proprietary digital voice assistant, which will be available for models with the latest OS 7.0 from BMW, as of March 2019.

BMW joins Mercedes-Benz to break free from automakers' tendency to associate with Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana or Google Assistant, and to present their own unique spins. It's a bold move as automakers have struggled to keep up with expectations from Silicon Valley and consumers, but BMW is betting that its voice assistant can surpass some of the big players in AI.

This does not mean that the manufacturer is not opposed to working with others called Alexa or Siri. BMW says its smart personal assistant will be compatible with other digital voice assistants. [the] The BMW assistant can be connected to smart speakers at home or on a smartphone for remote start and other commands.

The wizard responds to the "Hey BMW" prompt, but it can also be customized based on the owner's preference. Do you want to give your assistant his own name, like Charlie or Beyoncé? It's an option too. No need to be too specific in your orders. Just say, "Hey BMW, I'm too cold" and the temperature will go up a few degrees. And, apparently, the wizard is advanced enough to address the existential anxiety of a driver: according to BMW, he will address issues such as "What is the meaning of life?" (The answer Siri's is "I'm giving up," while Google.)

He knows the driver's favorite settings and can even activate a combination of them for their greater well-being. For example, "Hey BMW, I feel tired" triggers a vitality program that adjusts the light ambience, music and temperature, among others, so that the driver will feel better awake.

Without providing too many examples, BMW claims that its voice assistant [be] improved and evolve with the user over time. Regular updates will continue to expand the range of features and skills available, although it is unclear whether these updates are broadcast live or require a visit to a dealership.

The voice assistant is the latest futuristic technology to enter BMW vehicles. Two years ago, the automaker introduced gesture control into its flagship 7 Series sedans. And according to some critics, it worked "pretty good".

But the automaker was surprised by announcing at the beginning of the year that it would charge owners an annual subscription for the use of Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, instead of considering it as a unique option . The introduction of his new voice assistant is another sign that BMW does not want to be indebted to the big hitters of Silicon Valley.

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