Brand new in iOS 12 beta 3 for iPhone and iPad


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Apple has included a number of changes in the latest beta of iOS 12, the most important of which include updated map data, new Animated Activities stickers in Messages, and a bunch of bug fixes.

There were a number of unpleasant bugs in the first and second beta versions. We checked in the last update. Fortunately, the bad GPS bug and CarPlay disconnect bug were overwritten. This should definitely make the beta more usable for those who dare to take the plunge.

Apple announced last week its intention to double its Maps application using first-party mapping data collected by its Apple Maps vans rather than those provided by third parties. -party services. Developers living in the San Francisco Bay Area can take a look at the results of these efforts with the beta version of today.

As promised, Maps offers much more data than the current iterations of the application available to the general public. Over time, Apple will develop the feature, first across California before taking it live across the United States next year.

A nice visual change in the Messages application is new sticker options for activities. These do not need to be unlocked or "earned", but can instead appear for anybody. There are also a number of new animated stickers, which will complete the new challenges of the watchOS 5 activity.

  What's new in iOS 12 Beta 3

Complete list of changes

  • The settings are now yellow in low power mode
  • Position sharing details are not shown in the user profile near iCloud Privacy Settings
  • The Reset Face Identifier text is now red in Settings
  • FaceTime with iOS 11 fixtures
  • Slight changes to the FaceTime effect selector
  • More detailed maps (less in the Bay Area)
  • GPS problems appear to have been fixed [19659012] Time Travel removed from the search in the application Watch
  • The Watch application only has the Siri look at the face in the gallery
  • Watch shows apps third cations that use the face of Siri Watch
  • Gifs of new activity in messages
  • Clear all notifications has updated animation
  • 3D Touch rocker on the iPad during the removing notifications [19659013] In notifications, Show less appears to the left of circle X
  • Carrier information is aligned in the Control Center
  • CarPlay disconnects are repaired
  • Default wallpaper slightly dice -saturated
  • The types of media in the photos do not appear
  • The haptic comments are no longer felt each time the phone is unlocked

If you have not already done, check out the post AppleInsider and the video of all the changes found in Beta 2, as well as more than 65 changes in watchOS 5.

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