Branding of the 11 series, launch of the Gamescom confirmed?


Rumors about Nvidia's next generation graphics cards have been rampant. Lenovo has apparently confirmed that the new GPUs will call Series 11 and arrive this fall. Meanwhile, a separate report also suggested that Nvidia will announce the cards at Gamescom in August

Lenovo Leaks Branding & Availability?

In an interview with E3 by YouTuber Brainbean product director Lenovo Rex Stover discussed the Nvidia 11 series while introducing the company's new Cube C530 and C730 desktops. On three separate occasions (around the 1:30, 2:50 and 3:40 marks in the video above), he was referring to rumored Nvidia technology as the 11 series, calling the top model by name (1180) and giving a calendar for his arrival (this fall).

To be fair, it is not uncommon for technology companies to give vague schedules and refer to unpublished products by their universally accepted name. The image of the 11 series is a secret to anyone at this stage and it would be safe to assume that the top of the stack of products would have an image similar to that of old Nvidia GPUs.

However, it is a rare moment when the spokesman of a reputable company is taken to the camera giving some credibility to the rumor, and some might, naturally, give immense weight to his words. The occasional tone with which information has been transmitted could be perceived as a hearsay or a harmless doctrine depending on what you ask for, but only time will tell if these statements are accurate.

Gamescom Launch?

A Videocardz suggests that Nvidia is already announcing the new GPU series at Gamescom in August, stating that Nvidia would send press invitations for the event with the promise of "practical demonstration of the latest PC games". securities. "

The site offers no evidence for this claim, but the author suggests that" no one would offer a free trip to Europe if it was not important. "It's a bit thin, but with another fast leak at Q3 (Autumn) availability, an August announcement would make sense.However, there are many opportunities (technology conferences) for Nvidia to launch its new series of graphics cards between now and the third quarter, so we would not put all our eggs in one basket yet.

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