Breathtaking Speedrun creates a brand new world record for Super Mario Bros.



How long do you have to play a game to get your money's worth? Most players would say that any game that takes you less than five hours is not worth the money spent, but these players are not speedrunners. Niche players competing for the fastest time, speedrunners use their in-depth knowledge of a game to cross the levels, sometimes using small problems and insider maneuvers to "break the game" and break a record.

A player who goes through Kosmicd12 on YouTube Super Mario Bros. in 4 minutes, 55 seconds and 913 milliseconds last night. He dislodged the previous record holder, somewes user, who beat the game in 4 minutes, 56 seconds and 245 milliseconds.

He has done it in less time than it takes to listen to "Bohemian Rhapsody," and it's an amazing feat:

The brief livestream posted on YouTube by Kosmicd12, which goes through Kosmic on Steam, shows the player running all the hidden routes and jumping full on the finish. According to r / speedrun, the record he beat was in the "Any%" category, which means that he did not beat all the levels but finished the game. shows that Super Mario Bros. is his game, however, because he holds the record not only in the Any% category, but also in the Minus World End, Warpless All-Stars, Any% All-Stars and Warpless categories.

In the middle of the video, Kosmic began to realize how good he was. "Am I about to become the most alive clutch player? As he approached the previous album, his exciting game became more frenetic. Thanks to his obvious delight, viewers could watch as he came close to each piranha and his ball, before crossing the line just at 4:55.

The reading was done on a "real NES with an original NES controller", according to the description of the video, where Kosmic also answered some questions from the viewers on how he was playing the level.

"I can not believe it happened, but I am very proud of this achievement," he said.

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