Bubsy The Bobcat Brings His Next Adventure To The Nintendo Switch In 2019


If you've heard about the recent revival of Busby in The Woolies Strike Back This is the final nail in the coffin for the anthropomorphic bobcat, think again. Accolade has now revealed the infamous video game mascot from the '90s is returning in Bubsy: Paws on Fire.

Gaijin Games – best known for creating Bit. Trip series. Unlike the existing Bubsy release, this one will actually be making its way to Nintendo's new platform at some point next year. Described a game for Bubbles lovers and haters alike, the title will include four playable characters, new moves, collectibles, a unique combo system, an in-game cosmetic shop (not requiring real money), three boss battles and more than 100 levels. .

The series first started out life in 1993 when Bubbles in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind was released on multiple platforms including the Super Nintendo. Take a look at the trailer for the new game and tell us what you think about Bubsy's longtime return to a Nintendo platform.

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