By 2019, AMD's 7 nm processors and GPUs could change everything


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In the race to pack more and more transistors into smaller and smaller silicon packages, AMD is expected to be a step ahead in 2019. With a release schedule that includes the launch of both 7nm processors and 7 nm graphics cards for consumers, its products based on the process TSMC FinFET will for the first time for a long time be more compact at the matrix level than the best offers of the competition. We do not yet know if they will be more powerful, but given the power of Zen and Zen + processors from AMD, it could certainly progress in this market with Zen 2.

This impending advance is impressive considering the large companies such as Intel owned by AMD in previous years. Intel was originally scheduled to debut with its first 10nm processors in 2016, but repeated delays in the Cannon Lake-named architecture, called code, due to performance issues related to the 10-nm process, have let wait for his late arrival. 2018. While Intel has denied recent rumors that it has totally abandoned architecture, it seems unlikely that we would see Cannon Lake or its eventual successor, Ice Lake, before the end of 2019 at the earliest .

On the other hand, AMD is of course with its components at 7 nm. It debuted its 7nm Zen 2 architecture in early November with its Epyc series "Rome" processors, uniquely combining a 14nm input / output chip and "7nm processor chiplets". It is not entirely clear that this average configuration in the consumer-oriented Ryzen 3000 series processors makes it likely that the chiplet approach will be repeated. Making such processor cores, and then assembling them later, yields much higher returns for tiny processing cores – a problem that Intel has been trying to solve for years.

Performance improvements with Epyc processors would be impressive. With doubled instruction widths and improvements in memory latency through chip design, AMD claims a doubling of floating point performance per core, according to SemiAccurate. Earlier reports suggested that Ryzen processors could benefit from an improvement of 15% clock instructions. If such a gain were associated with improvements in clock speed, AMD 's Ryzen 3000 processors could steal Intel' s performance crown for more than a decade without any obvious sign of retaliation. potential on the horizon.

We do not have a final release date for next-generation Ryzen processors, but AMD is expected to launch them at CES 2019, with a potential launch in the first or second quarter of the year.

However, it is not only in the world of 7 nm processors that AMD will make waves next year. In addition to the Epyc processor showcase, he announced the launch of the world's first 7nm graphics card in the Vega 20 Instinct M160 and M150. The older of the two cards is expected to be delivered by the end of 2018. This suggests to AMD do not have much trouble producing the 7 nm graphics cores that should be at the heart of the future Navi architecture. This is not an update of the RX 590 Polaris 30, but a true next-generation graphics processor.

AMD 7nm navi lab test rumor amdgraphicsroadmap

Like the Vega 20 Instinct graphics cards, Navi will be a 7nm product, as shown in the AMD roadmap. We have nothing special about specs or pricing, but rumors say that the first Navi cards would replace AMD's midrange offerings like the RX 580 more than its Vega lineup. However, if AMD offered Vega performance at an average price, it could offer credible competition for everything Nvidia plans to offer with its sub-RTX 2070 GPUs, such as the GTX 2060 and 2050 rumors.

Anyway, the 7 nm AMD offer would operate on a much smaller die than the 12nm GPU cards that are built on Nvidia's Turing cards. This does not mean that AMD's hardware will be inherently better, but it's an advantage that AMD fans will hope the red team will fully exploit.

Although there is still time before the new generation of AMD processors and graphics processors is fully revealed to us, one thing is clear: some of the most interesting materials of 2019 will be built around the process 7 nm and AMD will be at the forefront of its development.

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