Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout: What is the Royal Battle?


Battle Royal style games took off in popularity last year thanks to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and reached new heights with Fortnite. Now, the Call of Duty franchise has gone on the run with Black Ops 4's new Blackout mode. If you have not experienced royal battle for yourself, but plan on hopping into Black Ops 4, this is for you. We'll run through some of the basics of the fashion and cover the ways in

Battle Royale 101

First off, you can either play a lone wolf (solo), with a partner (duets), or a team of four (quads); you'll be matched with up to 100 players who choose the same group size option. Every player gets flown over the map in the same trajectory – and it's up to you when and where to drop. Exiting the helicopter, you can move your wingsuit, and you can glide horizontally to go further out or look straight down to drop faster.

The overall goal is to be the last player or team standing since when everyone has one life, which makes it much easier to compete and risky compared to traditional Call of Duty multiplayer. Now more than ever, you should be aware of your surroundings; that have a teammate watch your back. Also keep in mind that you can revive squadmates if they fall, but be sure to do so before they are damaged.

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Another basic ingredient of battle is the impending pressure of a deadly circle closing in on the battlefield. Every game has the circle of the world, and it gets smaller as the game goes on. If you get caught outside the circle, you'll be able to get into the safe zone.

Huge Map To Traverse

Blackout's map is much larger than any previous Call for Duty map since it has to accommodate 100 players. However, with size of the map, it also helps slower pace; so expect plenty of downtime between encounters. This change of pace may take a while, but it may also be used in the high-stakes.

There are 14 concentrated areas in the Blackout map, many of which pay homage to past Black Ops maps. For example, Nuketown Island, Estate, and Array will look and feel similar to the multiplayer maps they're named after. The in-between of these locations is interspersed with small towns and groups of buildings that can have valuable loot. Most of the field, so be on-guard when crossing between locations as firefights may break out at any moment.

The full map in Blackout mode.
The full map in Blackout mode.

Luckily, vehicles litter the map. An ATV does not provide much protection but it can get you to two players from point A to point B fairly quickly. The cargo truck does not leave the target, but it moves pretty slow. Getting through the river with a zodiac boat, which holds up to four players. And unlike most battle royal, Blackout features the total number of seats. That's not the only way of air travel, though; you can deploy your wingsuit by sprinting and jumping off

Loot Your Loadout

You start with your own equipment and you will be able to make your own product. You are allowed to carry two weapons and have to scavenge for the proper ammo for each other. The following is a list of all the weapons available to loot in Blackout:

  • Pistols: Strife, Mozu
  • SMGs: SAUG-9mm, MX9, GKS, Spitfire, Cordite
  • Shotguns: MOG 12, SG12
  • Assault Rifles: KN-57, ICR-7, VAPR-XKG, Maddox RFB, Rampart 17
  • Tactical Rifles: Auger DMR, Swordfish, ABR 223, Essex Model 07
  • Sniper Rifles: Koshka, Paladin HB50
  • LMGs: Titan
  • explosives: War Machine, Hellion Salvo
  • Zombie Weapons: Ray Gun, Galil, MP-40, Zweihander

Attachments are crucial to getting the most out of your weapons. A reflect sight or 4x scope will help you find your shots with ADS, and you will need to know more about it. Zombie weapons add a twist to combat, which can be found in zombie supply after killing AI-controlled zombie hordes at certain locations in the map, like the Asylum. Blackout, like the Ray Gun, Monkey Bomb, Acid Bomb, and RC Car (though it does not explode). Look out for blue beacons that shine in the sky as this indicates stash rentals where you can get your hands on these rare items.

Inventory management in Blackout mode.
Inventory management in Blackout mode.

You will also have to go to the armor in Blackout; There are three levels and one provides better protection (level 3 armor is the only one that will protect from headshots). Backpacks open up five more items slots, which comes in handy. And it goes without saying that it is important, too much; first aid and med kits heal 25 and 50 health, respectively. Trauma kits will be fully heal you and tack on an additional 50 times.

Be on the lookout for supply crates that randomly drop over the map throughout the game; you're likely to find a high-level loot, but create a hotspot for preying enemies.

The Perks Of Call Of Duty

In another interesting twist, Blackout 's take on battle is also included in the Perks system. Each perk has a specific effect, usage limit, and duration. While it may be more useful than others, it is important to know what your ability to make the difference between life and death, especially in their most effective situations. The following is a perk list and what they do:

  • Awareness: Louder enemy footsteps. (Usage: 2, Duration: 2 mins)
  • Brawler: Increases melee damage, gain 50 health for each melee attack landed. (Usage: 1, Duration: 4 mins)
  • Consumer: Health and consumable items activate 50% faster. (Usage: 1, Duration: 5 mins)
  • Dead Silence: Silent movement and less noise when opening stashes. (Usage: 2, Duration: 4 mins)
  • Engineer: Reveal all nearby vehicles and enemy equipment. (Usage: 2, Duration: 4 mins)
  • Iron Lungs: Steady aim with scoped weapons and underwater breathing time. (Usage: 2, Duration: 5 mins)
  • Medic: Health items and team revives. (Usage: 2, Duration: 4 mins)
  • Mobility: Movement and weapon switch is faster, fire and use items while sprinting, move fast while reloading. Fall damage negated. (Usage: 2, Duration: 5 mins)
  • Looter: Reveals nearby loot and stashes. (Usage: 3, Duration: 2 mins)
  • Outlander: Take less damage and move faster when outside safe zone. (Usage: 2, Duration: 3 mins)
  • Reinforced: Reduce explosion and fire damage. Reduce effectiveness of razor wire, flashbangs, and grenades grenades. (Usage: 3, Duration: 4 mins)
  • skulker: Faster crouch and prone movement. (Usage: 3, Duration: 3 mins)
  • Stimulating: Increase health cap by 100. (Usage: 2, Duration 3 mins)
  • Squad Link: Teammates visible through walls. (Usage: 2, Duration: 2 mins)
  • Paranoia: Audio cues for when you are targeted by an enemy via ADS. (Usage: 2, Duration: 4 mins)

Black Ops 3 introduced Specialists, unique characters that provided a variety of ways to play the game with their own attributes and abilities – akin to a hero shooter. While you can choose to play a certain Specialist in Blackout, the equipment that was once in the field. These abilities – such as the razor wire, mesh mines, and grappling hook – are hard to find, but they can give you a significant advantage when used in the right situation.


These are the basics when it comes to playing Call of Duty Black Ops 4's Blackout mode. Battle royal veterans may know how to work with you, but you need to know what you're doing. The most important thing to do is to play the game. And now you know what you're getting into, take the next step and check out our Blackout beginner's guide.

For a more comparative look, see how Blackout, Fortnite, and PUBG differ from one another. We've spent a lot of time with the game and working to reach a verdict on it, but check out our Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

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