Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 Detailed Free DLC Plans, exclusive to PS4


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is fast approaching, and as Activision has previously revealed, it will contain a significant amount of content early on, including the new Royal Battle Style Blackout mode and three episodes of Zombies. This is certainly not everything; Activision states that Treyarch developer will continue to support the game with a steady stream of free post-release content, which the publisher has now revealed the taste.

In a post on the PlayStation blog, Activision gave fans their first look at some of the new content entering the game shortly after its launch. As with previous Call of Duty titles, all of this will come first on PS4 as part of Activision's ongoing exclusivity contract with Sony. According to a new article published by the publisher, the exclusive period of PS4 will be much shorter than before. While the content of the previous Call of Duty games would arrive on Xbox One and PC about a month after its launch on the Sony console, the DLC Black Ops 4 will be deployed on these platforms seven days after its launch on PS4.

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Treyarch has new content or an event in play aligned with Black Ops 4 every month after its release. In November, the developer will add to the game a new version of the classic Nuketown card, while the month of December will see the arrival of the first of several new specialist characters. Activision indicates that there will be seasonal, weekly and other time-limited events in the game, and Blackout will also receive its own set of regular map updates, expansion and new modes after the launch.

Fans recently had their first chance to follow Call of Duty's new Royal Battle Mode with Activision's private beta hosted at the beginning of the month. The publisher has not confirmed the number of players that the mode will support in the final game, but the beta version offered several different player limits. when it was launched, it supported up to 80 players, but this limit was raised to 88 and ultimately to 100 on the last day of the beta. You can watch a replay of a Blackout match of 100 players above.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is launched for PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 12th. This version will not include a traditional single-player campaign, but rather a series of missions for each specialist character. Treyarch recently elaborated on the decision to give up a traditional campaign. You can learn more about the different editions that will be available at launch in our Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 pre-order guide.

This story has been updated.

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