Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 Early Review, Release Date, Blackout, Zombies, And Everything We Know


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is out now, and it continues the franchise's history of explosive multiplayer, first-person shooter combat. Old mechanics and features return, such as the favorite Zombie fashion fan, but the game implements several changes to the Black Ops formula. We've compiled everything we know about Black Ops 4 below.

Black Ops has a pretty lengthy history. The first, releasing in 2010, takes place during the Cold War in the 1960s, switching between CIA operatives Alex Mason and Frank Woods. 2012's Black Ops 2 moved the story to 2025, following Alex's sound, David Mason. 2015's Black Ops 3, continued the previous game's journey in the future and followed operatives in 2065.

The first Black Ops featured the first playable protagonists in a Call of Duty game to talk during gameplay, and not just cutscenes. It's a question of the Grief and Turned variations of the Call of Duty's Fashion Zombies. The third game was the first Call of Duty title where Activision and Sony's exclusive limited-time partnership DLC content for PlayStation consoles.

What Is Black Ops 4?

Black Ops 4 is the seventh Call of Duty game developed by Treyarch, one of the many video game companies under the Activision umbrella. The game is the first One of a kind game with a single player, single player, one of four Blackout 4's multiplayer Specialists. The feature is similar to the Operator missions from Rainbow Six Siege, but is more story-driven and tie together in an overarching plot. The missions take place between 2025 and 2065, making Black Ops 4 and the story to black Ops 2 and a prequel to Black Ops 3.

Release Date / Day One Update / Preloading

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 launched on October 12 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. The game has a lot of day One update, so be sure your system of choice has enough hard drive space. The game comes with special Deluxe, Deluxe Digital, Pro, and Mystery Box Editions, all of which are detailed in our buying guide.


The Ops 4 early review impressions piece. In it, Kallie Plagge offers a look at each of the three main modes and says, "As a continuation of the Black Ops Subseries, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombies, too, mixes old and new; it's overflowing with content at launch, offering a brand new story and a continuation of the existing one. "

Multiplayer, Maps, And Specialists

For the first time in a Call of Duty game, Black Ops 4 dies health regeneration. Firearms employs both hitscan and projectile damage, instead of just training in the game's new ballistics system. Predictive recoil pattern and weapon customization return. Together, it makes for a better tactical experience that promotes teammates working together instead of playing as a lone wolf. Several classic Call of Duty modes – including Zombies – return in Black Ops 4, but the game also features the series' first battle royale mode, called Blackout.

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Black Ops 4 launches with 14 multiplayer maps – Frequency, Contraband, Seaside, Payload, Hacienda, Gridlock, Arsenal, Icebreaker, Morocco, Militia, Jungle, Slums, Firing Range, and Summit. In November, the Call of Duty classic map Nuketown will launch for free, making a total of 15 maps in the Black Ops 4 base game. More maps will be launched later as post-launch DLC.

Just like its predecessor, Black Ops will feature specialists in multiplayer. Each Specialist has their own unique task and is designed to handle specific tasks. There are 10 in Black Ops 4, six of which – Ruin, Prophet, Battery, Seraph, Nomad, and Firebreak – return from Black Ops 3. The other furnace – Recon, Ajax, Torque, and Crash – are completely new to the series.


Blackout incorporates all the hallmarks of the previous royal battle games. Up to 100 players and one player left or one team remains. Weapons and equipment can be scavenged from buildings, and vehicles can be found quickly and easily. The safe areas where players can survive gradually shrinking over time, forcing the survivors closer together into more hectic firefights. The mode can be played solo, or in squads.

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Blackout is a little different from games like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite. For one, the map in Blackout is fairly broad and encompasses a wide variety of different lands and landscapes instead of focusing on a single theme, like a forest or desert. Blackout is the largest battlefield seen in any of the Call of Duty games, incorporating numerous landmarks and Easter eggs from past titles. There is also a slight PvE element to Blackout, as computer-controlled zombies wander around certain areas of the map. Killing them lets you earn special items from Call of Duty's Zombie fashion, like the Ray Gun and Cymbal Monkey.


The cooperative Zombies fashion returns in Black Ops 4, but this time The first, titled Aether, follows the reestablished Zombies storyline from the first two Black Ops games. The second, called Chaos, features new characters – Scarlett, Stanton, Diego and Bruno.

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Exclusive PS4 Content

Like the Call of Duty titles in recent years, Black Ops 4 will be happy to be exclusive to the PS4 for a limited time. This exclusivity period includes all seasons, new Specialists, and post-launch multiplayer maps. However, instead of the PS4 having a two-to-four week end, the console will only have access to post-launch content.

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