Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 First Impressions


In the continuity of the Black Ops sub-series, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 benefits from its past and is limited by it. Its standard multiplayer mode seems to be tangentially related to what has gone before, rather than explicitly built, and larger changes lose their impact. Zombies, too, mix the old and the new; it overflows with content at launch, offering a new story and a continuation of the existing one.

Although Black Ops 4 does not offer a single single player campaign, it does have a training mode with story cutscenes based on multiplayer characters. As I played Black Ops 4 at a pre-launch event for these first impressions, I have not yet had the opportunity to try it. Of course, the most intriguing of the three main modes is that of Black Ops 4 in the royal battle genre. Blackout is a big step forward for Call of Duty, and although it captures what makes the Royal Battle so popular, I still have to play a lot more (and on live servers after launch) before finalizing my comment at the beginning of next week.

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Multiplayer mode is the simplest of modes, and Black Ops 4 tries to be more tactical than previous entries. Black Ops 3 has disappeared, replaced by a sensation of weight and earth that requires you to think a little more about positioning. The healing is now manual, too, and on a cooldown, adds another layer of consideration to the approach of a fight. Overall, the matches have a slower and more cautious pace, but the kill time is still low and the return to waking is almost instantaneous. The maps follow the familiar three-way structure and are longer and narrower than those of Black Ops 3, with a combination of open spaces and narrower spaces providing opportunities for ranged combat and to distance.

The specialists of Black Ops 3 come back with some adjustments; there are 10 total at launch, some new and some imported from the previous game. Everyone always has a unique weapon and ability, but instead of choosing one or the other, you now play a match with both. The weapon is linked to a longer cooldown and functions as an overpowering attack, while this ability is a piece of equipment, such as a grenade or a trap, having a more strategic purpose . More than in Black Ops 3, specialists are clearly oriented towards certain roles; Battery, for example, keeps its War Machine grenade launcher of 3 and swaps its former defense capability against a fragmentation Grenade, making it an obvious offensive choice. Other specialists play supportive and defensive roles, and it is welcome to have the opportunity to step back from the shot.

There are two new game types, Heist and Control, which join the base list. Heist asks you to compete with another team to get a bag of money and extract it, and each player has only one life. Killstreaks who can destroy an entire team at a time, like the Hellstorm missile, feel overwhelmed and moved to Heist. The short time to kill associated with the lack of reappearance makes it difficult to implement a real strategy because most rounds are completed in minutes.

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Control, on the other hand, is a goal-based mode that is much better suited and actively encourages you to use specialist tactics. Each team, one in attack and one in defense, shares 25 lives. you win either by exhausting all the lives of the opposing team, or by keeping control of both goals. A defensive specialist like Torque, who owns Razor Wire ideally placed under windows and a Barricade "weapon" for extra coverage, is a great option if you're trying to maintain a goal, for example, while offensive specialists can aim to eliminate the enemy team.

But most types of Black Ops 4 multiplayer games – the typical Call of Duty game, including Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed and Domination – do not require you to follow a specialist strategy too closely. This is not a hero shooter, and your success depends more on the gun you choose and your ability to shoot than your skill with a particular specialist or the makeup of your team. As a result, the more tactical aspects feel stripped of their impact, and committing to them is no more rewarding than a normal killing.


The Black Ops 4 Zombies are as wide as they are deep, with two distinct scenarios on three cards – four if you have the Black Ops pass included in the game's special editions. The first two, IX and Voyage of Despair, are part of the brand new story of Chaos; the third, Blood of the Dead, and the optional graded constitute the story of the return of Ether. It's a lot to take at the same time, and I still need to really dive into each card. Travel of Despair, however, intrigues me – partly because of its titanic framework, but also because its small spaces pose a greater challenge than the more open arenas of IX.

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In Aether's story, the crew of Ultimus has not aged well, even though each of them is stereotyped to the extreme. The jokes do not happen anymore, especially Takeo's excessive Japanese accent, which replaces L whenever possible. Apart from this, slowly discovering the secrets of tribute cards is an enticing prospect.

The new Rush mode is a much faster version of Zombies in which you do not have to think or solve any puzzles. you're right here to kill the undead, to the horde. There is no money, so you do not need to save money to unlock a door or buy a weapon. Instead, you are told which area will have the next peak wave and you will be directed from room to room as you go. It's too intense to be a tutorial, but it's a great way to familiarize yourself with the map, test the weapons, and determine which rooms you should aim for first in Classic mode.


Since this is all new fashion, Blackout is obviously the most intriguing aspect of Black Ops 4. But as there was only a limited number of people at the Black Ops 4. pre-launch event, I have not had the opportunity to play a lot of games or live live matches. , populated servers. My initial impression is that it looks like PUBG, but I have to spend a lot more time with the mode before I can evaluate it completely. That said, Blackout undoubtedly captures the intense and fragile enthusiasm that makes the Royal Battle so popular, with Call of Duty's tight firing and movement mechanisms as a solid foundation. Zones with zombies add a PvE element that distinguishes Blackout from PUBG's, also offering powerful loot at the risk of dying from a group of undead or attracting human players to your position. The benefits and specialized equipment are present as items that can be looted during a match, which gives another small but distinct Call of Duty (and I want to experiment more).

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Of course, there is no single single player campaign, but Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is no shortage of content, and its three main modes are substantial. With the standard multiplayer mode and zombies, it's hard to fully commit to moving forward, and the mix of old content and new ideas is not always gelling. From what I've played to date, Blackout incorporates elements of Black Ops' past more successfully while forming his own vision of present trends. But as each mode is deeply in itself, I will spend more time with Black Ops 4 after the launch before publishing my final review.

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