Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Guide: How to conquer Nuketown


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Guide by Nuketown Treyarch

This week saw the glorious return of Nuketown to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. A patch for Black Ops 4 Treyarch – which I had a lot of time to download and install because of its size – was transferred to the PlayStation 4 consoles on Tuesday, November 13th. As I've already suggested with the Nuketown announcement, Treyarch has actually updated the servers to include a purely Nuketown playlist. I have practically lived in this playlist for most of the week.

The fans of Secret operations The series are all too familiar with the popular card. Previously, its aesthetic resembled a nuclear test site from the Cold War era in the United States. Now it has been refitted with the reverse of this historic arms race with a Soviet-themed decor. Despite the change in appearance, the map still retains the same exact layout as before, with a cul-de-sac featuring two houses on opposite sides and two vehicles in the middle. Why repair something that is not broken? The addition of the new design, however, refreshes the card a bit after several previous versions.

So what exactly can you play on Nuketown's playlist? Team Deathmatch (TDM), Kill Confirmed, Domination and Hardpoint are all part of the rotation. Due to the proximity of this map, the action is much faster and chaotic. Obviously, it is this feature that lends itself well to the appeal of the card to fans.

Image reproduced with the kind permission of VG247

Newcomers, here are some tips

If you have a fresh face and googly eyes in the world of Call of Duty or even just the Secret operations series with Black Ops 4Nuketown is not something you know well. If you're going to try your luck in Nuketown's playlist, there are a few things you need to know to help you tip the scales in your favor.

Qualified Call of Duty The players will exploit all the angles of the map, from the windows open in the houses to the spaces between the vehicles located at the center of the map. In general, going through the center of the map is a death sentence, unless you know how to manage on your own. As a result, many players tend to marry the left and right edges of the card when they assail the opposing side, thus causing more confrontation in these areas. However, there are more defense options on the sides of the map, as opposed to having to watch your tail from all directions in the center. The best way to play this card is to use defensive tactics. Because of its close nature, you have to hit the enemy at every stop. So, keep that in mind as we go through the different game modes and some useful strategies for each.

TDM & Kill Confirmed

It all boils down to creating points with these modes. When one team pushes another team towards its general spawn zone, the defeating team begins to breed on other areas of the map where players are mostly absent. Unlike Domination or Hardpoint where you have a general idea of ​​the origin of the opposition, you must constantly monitor your six in TDM and Kill Confirmed. I turned my back on an area only to allow a player to appear a few meters from me and get me out immediately. We do not know where the other team will come from. This is why the value of the UAV score is much higher (provided that the other team of the other team is not able to shoot it permanently).


For Nuketown, dominance usually becomes a battle for site B. Both teams immediately claim their respective side of the map (sites A or C) and, because of the layout, are quite capable of keeping these sites . Site B is in the middle of the map. Of course, I'm talking about generalities, because that can always change, depending on the skill level and the coordination of the teams.

Coverage options are limited, including a car and boxes. So, ideally, the teams will work together to attack and defend the site. Whether you come from north or south, you will have to cover yourself from the front, the sides and the top. These second level windows will prove troublesome, as players regularly seize these locations to collect a series of casualties. Rarely has anyone ever captured B alone; a team is really necessary. So be sure to try to sync with the moment when your other teammates are heading to the site if you do not have microphones to coordinate the effort.

Ruin's "Hulk Smash!" Ability (as I call it) and the grappling gun help a lot to clean an area or move at a fast speed. Likewise, Battery's two explosive abilities also help to quickly eliminate groups of enemies. Otherwise, there is not really a "best" specialist for the job; just make sure that you are equipped with the equipment you are most comfortable with. This is not exactly a map where you want to "try" unknown weapons or equipment, unless you are looking for a punishment or a challenge.

Hard point

This is perhaps my favorite mode to play on the Nuketown map. Open land positions on both sides of the cul-de-sac turn to the lower floors of both houses. Open areas in the cul-de-sac are much more difficult to capture and keep.

The couple is perfect for this mode because his defensive abilities really help to defend hard points. Install barbed wire in entrances to homes or between cars and outside lot boundaries. When a barricade is available, do not just place it in a door. Place it on the side of the door so that the radiation it emits is directed perpendicular to the players. Why should you do this? Well, on the one hand, it's much harder to destroy if it's inside the house instead of sitting in an entrance where players can pull it out remotely. And secondly, players do not see it (unless they have the privilege of highlighting it) and will be caught in the radiation field when they enter the house and die.

Firebreak is another great choice in this mode. For players stranded inside a home with all of the above defenses, Firebreak can stand against the wall outside the house and bring out its radioactive core to roast all the way home. world inside. This is what happened to me several times to burn and catch fire from inside the house. Then, when I saw the kill camera, Firebreak was sitting against the side of the house with his exposed radioactive weapon.

Join the chaos of Nuketown!

Nuketown is an absolute explosion. Many may agree that it is a Call of Duty Treasure. If you have never played the card, you are overjoyed. As in any video game, do not take it too seriously. You are likely to have ups and downs, just as I have lived. If you have been deeply engaged in this reading list, we would love to hear from you. Let us know your experiences or the best tips you could have for newcomers in the comments below!

Accountant by day, passionate about night video games. Somewhere in between, I am a husband, a father and, in general, a giant child-man. If a game is a matter of action, it's a safe bet that I play it. I started devastating the virtual worlds as a young man on old Atari and I have not stopped since.

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