Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Patch Brings Back Gun Game


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is a great first-person shooter across all three of its modes, but there is one glaring omission compared to the past titles: Gun Game. The weapon-swapping multiplayer mode was missing in action at launch, but developer Treyarch has since fixed that.

In a post on Reddit, Treyarch ugly and many multiplayer modes. Aside from Gun Game, the update also adds "Chaos Domination," which drastically reduces the amount of time you need to spend before capturing a zone, increases the score limit, and pumps up the player to six per team.

Spawns have also been adjusted to be "safer" for those coming back after a death, with Treyarch saying it "spawn logic and spawn placement across the board." you defenseless.

The game's Battle Royal Blackout mode has also undergone some changes in the update. There is now a 100-player solos playlist, after the limit for the fashion was capped at 88, and armor has been weakened. It will be much more difficult to have a lot of experience in dealing with the issue of "multiply".

Audio plays a crucial role in your battle royal success, and this has also been revised for Blackout. Your teammates' footsteps will be more important than those on the enemy team, so it will be clear when you're about to get into a firefight and when you just have friends nearby. To make it easier to find a team, you can also invite players who are online but not currently playing the game in your party.

These continued updates are crucial to maintaining a player's interest in Blackout, something rival battle royal games have often struggled to do. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 special focus on the mode, as it is included in the game in the place normally occupied by a campaign.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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