Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 tips and tricks of zombies to know


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 could attract attention for its new royal battle mode "Blackout", but the game also includes a substantial Zombies mode. As in previous Call of Duty games, zombies can be played either by yourself or with the help of other players. This can be brutally difficult once you have passed the first few rounds of a match. However, with some tips and tricks, you can quickly go from food for zombies to the hero of your own horror movie. These are the tips you need to know to master the zombies in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

There are two separate campaigns spread across three cards

The standard version of Black Ops 4 There are currently three different Zombie cards to play, but these are divided into two different scenarios and each has its own load. The "IX" and "Journey of Despair" cards are part of a scenario, while the "Blood of the Dead" card is one of them. The benefits, the elixirs and the customization options you choose in one do not affect the other, so make sure you have everything you need for the current map before you to start a game.

Do not forget to choose elixirs

call of duty black ops 4 zombies tricks blackops4zombies2

Black Ops 4 Automatically equip your characters with four "elixirs", special items that give you unique abilities in a Zombies game. However, you are not stuck with those you have been given. In the lower left corner of the Zombies main menu, you will find an option to buy new elixirs. Using the money you have earned through matches, you can buy three random elixirs, which can then be redeemed for your current choices.

Experiment and find what suits you best, but do not use the elixir "Anywhere But Here!" If you play with a group of humans. The elixir transports you to a random place on the map, which can separate you completely from your group and lead to a quick mission failure.

Spend points to open new areas as soon as possible

Each card starts with a small area. Getting out of this area is important. If you do not use the rest of the map, you will soon be overwhelmed by hordes of zombies approaching.

To remedy this, do not immediately spend your points on new weapons. Instead, open the doors around the area. These will lead to places with better weapons and sanctuaries, as well as more flexibility.

You will also see the doors marked with a red rune. These can only be unlocked after completing a task. In the Voyage of Despair mission, you need to retrieve an artifact at the other end of the Titanic to open this, for example. Once you do, you will discover even more powerful equipment that can help you survive several times.

Use robots. They are your friend.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 can be played completely solo without the help of other teammates, but if you are stunned during a game by yourself, you lose automatically. However, you can add up to three computer-controlled teammates to fight alongside you. In the lobby but before starting the match, you should have the option to add robots. You can hit multiple times to add more to your game, and this will give you a huge advantage.

Bots are not only able to revive you as a regular human player, but they can also suffer much more damage and slaughter zombies. It sounds a bit like cheating, but zombies do not really play fair.

Expect 'Max Ammo' instead of buying ammo

Weapon purchase points located on the walls of each Zombies card also include the ability to purchase additional ammunition for a fee. If you are in an absolute stalemate or playing alone, you can spend some of your money replenishing your stock in this way, but you will rarely need it in a group. Killed zombies often give up the bonus bonus "Max Ammo", which allows to instantly replenish the ammo stock of all players.

For this reason, if your favorite weapon lacks ammo, briefly switch to your mana pool and continue to kill zombies as best you can. Before too long, someone from your team will get your ammunition fully filled.

Do not choose a bolt action shotgun. Choose the SMG or Shotgun.

In previous rounds of Zombies, the slow-fire weapons you find on the wall may seem like a big improvement over your original revolver, but when you start dealing with many enemies at once, they become almost useless. . Any high-rate assault rifle or submachine gun will be useful, and for your secondary weapon, a shotgun is an excellent choice. You can quickly eliminate a few zombies with one hull, especially when they have trouble making their way.

Each Zombie character also has access to a special "Wonder Weapon" that deals extreme damage and has special properties. You can trade them, no matter what character you play in the mode. Test and find some that you like. To escape a crowd of zombies, two excellent choices are the Hammer of Valhalla and the Path of Sorrows. Both are melee weapons that inflict significant damage by swaying from side to side to eliminate as many enemies as possible.

Check behind you – now

If you do not know where the zombies are in a given round, they are probably right behind you. Seemingly safe, the zombies will appear and attack you as soon as you have your back turned. It is therefore important to turn around regularly to make sure you are not being stealthily attacked by the undead. Not doing so is the fastest way to be eliminated, which can lead to headaches – or worse – for the rest of your team.

If you have enough firepower, you can avoid this by placing yourself at the corner of a room. This opens up the potential of being trapped, but you can usually use a magic weapon to get yourself out of it.

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